Recently the courts have become involved in this semi asinine issue of on using “god” in the pledge of allegiance or on American currency (“in god we trust”) rejecting arguments that they violate the constitutional separation of church and state.
I am going to leave the money issue alone because at this rate the dollar can use any help it can get so I don’t think we want to take a chance God would get pissed we don’t trust him anymore.
But … on the pledge of allegiance.
Let me begin by stating I firmly believe we would be better off as a nation if all kids did what I did and started the school day with the pledge of allegiance.
The reference to God wasn’t an issue or thought (but if it truly is an issue I have an answer).
The pledge is a statement that reminds everyone what country they live in, a respect for the American flag and serves as a small (but cornerstone) commitment to the nation as a whole at a young age.
I am a business guy. I am an alignment guy.
To me the pledge is an alignment tool. That and the national anthem are foundational elements to a country of people with pride in the country they live in.
This ruling was a reversal of the same court’s decision in 2002 that the pledge violated the First Amendment ban on government endorsement of religion (the crap we get out higher courts involved in is stunning).
But finally I heard a federal judge who “got it” with regard to the pledge of allegiance:
“The Pledge of Allegiance serves to unite our vast nation through the proud recitation of some of the ideals upon which our Republic was founded.”
(and this wasn’t Judge Judy)
(wow. I got this one right and I don’t even have a high falutin’ law degree nor one of those cool robes they get to wear)
Everyone should note that schools do not require students to recite the pledge (although I do wish they would).
Here is my solution so that maybe all schools will open the day with it.
The original Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 with the hope that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country. In 1923 “the flag of the United States of America was added to make it specific to the good ole USofA:
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
C’mon dudes (and dudettes).
What is wrong with this?
No reference to God. Never did.
Why not use the pledge of allegiance which was developed with the correct intent (and, for god’s sake, the original was written by a minister of all people and he didn’t include God).
It was only in 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words “under God.” (and I like Ike just not this particular decision).
Just my thinking.
I get worried that we, as Americans, lose sight of the bigger issue (America as a nation) while focusing on smaller special interest issues. I also believe we make it harder than it has to be.
We have a pretty good thing going here in what we call the United States of America.
We fought hard to get it. We fought hard to maintain. We have done some great things. We have done some not so great things along the way. But in the end we still remain the United States of America and the pledge of allegiance is a small reminder of that fact.