This is about my site, Enlightened Conflict, images I use, words I use <and avoiding plagiarism> and spam.
I just deleted 2178 spam comments … oh … and I steal images <but I am not a thief>.
Just trying to get some big stuff out of the way and clear the air.
Therefore I apologize to:
– Anyone who actually commented but I was too lazy to weave my way through all the comments listed as spam to see if your comment was really a comment
– Anyone who had an image I used and they didn’t like that I actually used it in association with what I wrote
With regard to the spam.
I probably get over 4000 spam comments a week.
I am sure <he says hopefully> that there are real comments buried within the cheap purses for sale, male enhancement offers, inexpensive drug sales, emails from Diondra/Deondina,Deodidra/Edinalva/etc., rooftop sales and more.
But if I looked through them all I would have no time to write posts.
As I often say in my writing … everything in life is a trade off.
With regard to images.
Just to cover my ass.
Images I use.
I use other people images.
I have not asked for permission.
I use images that I believe are interesting and support the idea I am trying to communicate.
Rarely, if ever, was the original image used in association in any form or fashion with a topic similar to what I am discussing. The original image was being used to support a completely different thought and topic. I apologize to the image owners/users but hope they understand their images are being used with good intent.
I also admit.
When you find an image nowadays you often cannot tell if where you found it is actually the origin or they were using it from somewhere else.
What I write about.
Words I use.
I seriously doubt I have consciously plagiarized anyone’s thoughts or words. I have seen some well articulated thoughts that are components of what I write about and while trying to avoid using the same words … a well articulated thought is a well articulated thought and, frankly, it’s difficult to find better words if something is well articulated.
I have found things that I have written appear somewhere else (even though I know they have never seen what I wrote). That is the way of the world. If people have the same idea and they know how to articulate it, it will often look very similar in verbiage.
When I do actually use something that someone else wrote I either italicize or credit it.
Thoughts I use.
This is the trickiest.
Let me begin with my other site <although I do post articles about it here>.
I know I have not found anyone who has outlined the Global generation children’s education initiative that I have outlined.
Period <end that thought>.
With that said … my other writing which you typically find here. I have seen several thoughts written on just about everything that I have written about.
And some damn nice thoughts.
Therefore I have to assume some things I write may look similar to some existing thoughts out there. I stopped really looking around once I found my own writing style.
On the other hand … I do hope that some of my thoughts cannot be seen anywhere else (at least articulated the way that I articulate it).
All this is said so that no one thinks I tried to take their thought and make it mine.
Suffice it to say that when I write it is because I had an idea <a thought> and started writing.
I have not intentionally used anyone’s thought to replace mine. Maybe used a thought to support mine but that’s it.
I will now issue an apology to anyone who sees something and invests the energy to suggest I stole, plagiarized or used something incorrectly.
Never meant to.
Certainly went out of my way to avoid it.
Before you try to sue my ass or berate me publicly as a hack feel free and drop me a note and I will do everything in my power to make it right if I am in the wrong.