“Unlocking these ideas is how we can help change a person, or help change the world.”
Jim Newton, founder of TechShop which gives creative people access to the tools for innovation
This is awesome.
Awesome on several levels.
This assumes you don’t have to be Yale/Oxford University freakishly smart to be a great innovator.
This assumes innovation can be small, medium, large ideas.
This assumes innovation can be very practical.
This assumes anyone can have an idea.
This assumes anyone can think.
Here is TechShop.
Innovation & Techshop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU9QrKYs0bs
Here is their mission <in the founder’s words>:
“I find that most people are very passionate about something specific they want to make, but they don’t know how to do it. Some of these ideas are small and personal, and others are world-altering ideas.
TechShop’s mission is to coax people to think about their ideas and help them bring those ideas to fruition.”
Creativity <which is really what innovation is all about> happens in everyone. In fact … creativity is everybody’s business … not just people identified under the misnomer of “creative.”
The connection between business and creativity, or creative thinking, is inextricably linked regardless of whether someone wants to call it creativity or something else which they perceive is more politically correct <or accurate in their own minds>.
We experience creativity in the business world every day. Any time someone’s comfort zone is challenged … the status quo is questioned … or a process is reevaluated … creativity is being activated. I can think of no industry or business that doesn’t embrace creativity … in a traditional definition sense or a nontraditional definition.
And you know what?
There is an additional benefit to embracing the idea creativity exists in everybody <even the common every day schmuck>.
Facilitating it in everyone can help change a person … for the better.
All ideas have value.
Some have value in itself.
Some have value in that it begets another bigger idea.
And all have value to a person’s self-esteem and self-worth.
I love his TechShop idea.
I struggle to find a better business idea for the everyday person out there.
And I struggle to think of one person who could not, or should not, participate.
Because I struggle to believe that someone out there has not had one idea <with some potential> in their entire life.
I just wanted to share an awesome concept.
Wanted to share the idea that creativity, and innovation, is everybody’s business.