“People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be.
When I look at a sunset, I don’t find myself saying,
‘Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner.’
I don’t try to control a sunset.
I watch with awe as it unfolds.”
Carl Rogers
I was going to write a long thought provoking piece using this quote and then I realized not a lot more needed to be said.
Far too often we want to change things, just tweak them ever so slightly, under the guise of ‘improving.’ Or maybe it’s some sort of control thing.
Maybe we should just get it straight in our heads … everyone is a sunset.
Or a sunrise.
Doesn’t matter.
We are always in flux of dawn or dusk and within that flux resides the colors of who and what we are.
Rarely are there nice and neat colors and there will always be shades of dark battling with beams of light which unfold the rich & royal hues that are … well… you.
Maybe we should learn to accept the sunsets and sunrises for what they are and not keep trying to ‘touch up’ the colors in some way.
Maybe we should realize the many colors within are always coexisting … sometimes unstable … often in flux … sometimes blurred … and sometimes brilliant … but always colorful.
Maybe we should know that within the sunsets & sunrises we get momentary glimpses of the colors, our own as well as others, that remind us that they are what make us significant in a world in which we are often a relatively insignificant part.
“Dawn and sunset are the times when Nature herself is unstable and in flux.
The nocturnal world and the daytime world are meeting, and for a brief time coexisting.
It’s not a neat hard cut, but a blurred, irregular dissolve.
These moments are the seams in existence through which we can get a glimpse of the deeper, fundamentally random, chance workings of a system in which we are only a small, insignificant player.”
Bill Viola
Aw shit.
All I know is that I like the thought that people are like sunsets and we shouldn’t fuck with sunsets.
We should just let them be.
And remember that every sunset is worth looking at.