In all the hateful, and fear driven, rhetoric we in America seem to direct toward Iran on almost a daily basis we seem to forget they are also in election season.
One could posit that the ones who negotiated the Iranian nuclear agreement knew this. That they were awake enough to consider this factor as negotiations over nuclear weapons continued.
The Iranian election actually revolves around … wow … wait for it … the economy.
While their version of the right wing party is pounding away on religion and isolationist type rhetoric the moderate voice of their government is pounding away on private enterprise WITHIN a religious construct.
How does this relate to the recent Iranian nuclear agreement?
Some thoughts:
1. By taking nuclear development off the table <or at least tabled for now> internal monies typically allocated to this end are now able to be diverted to other budget items … some military and some not.
2. By freeing up funds there is actually funding available from a centralized government to help fund private enterprise <think what China did with underwriting various companies and innovation.
3. By freeing up sanctions there is now actually a path for Iranian companies to prosper outside of their limited economic view.
Personally I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a more ‘capitalist thoughtful’ government after the latest Iranian elections.
Cue Rouhani’s presidential election victory in 2013.
And in office Rouhani has resumed the ‘traditional right’ policies of pragmatism in foreign policy and encouragement of private enterprise, squeezed for years by sanctions and by a creeping state and quasi-state sectors. There is every reason for Larijani and Nategh-Nouri to support him, even if some mild relaxation of cultural policy or press control follows.
Let’s be clear.
The Iranian rhetoric toward the West will possibly become a little less loud but the strains of anti-west will remain as their government ideology, decisions within a religion construct, will remain. But their version of governing is modernizing before our eyes.
It is their version of Religion-based Democracy Capitalism.
It is their version of China’s Communist-based Capitalism.
And, well, it is their version of governing <whether it seems foreign to Americans or not>.
I will never suggest that Iran and America will ever be ‘friends’ <although I imagine one could still be friendly on occasion> nor will I ever suggest that Iran and America will be aligned on how to govern its people and the rights of people.
I am also constantly surprised pundits don’t point out that for once this issue is simple in that it revolves around one basic fundamental governing truth which separate the two – one believes governing thru religion and one believes separation of religion & governing.
But I will suggest that while there may appear to be some unintended consequences of the Iranian Nuclear agreement that we should give the negotiators a little more credit than we have been up to this point.
I tend to believe they foresaw the possibilities and the positive consequences, while certainly not a given, we intended.