“In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”
Douglas Adams
“There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”
Douglas Adams
I do not claim to understand the universe of things.
I don’t claim to understand why some people think the things they do.
I don’t claim to understand almost anything … but I try.
I think it’s hard. I think it is all hard. Hard to assimilate. Hard to process. Hard to understand. And not just for me … but for anyone trying to make sense of what is going on around them.
And it is remains hard even while reveling in the simple moments. Like that first sip of a cold drink after a hard day at work, the sound of the door opening, some laughter, and you know your child is home, a hug or just knowing your family is safe at the end of the day.
I imagine it is this sometimes, but constant, contradiction which almost creates a bizarre universe where you know it can feel good, and that good – if given an opportunity – can happen and, yet, there is a feeling like you are not moving or its not getting better … and everyone else is.
When the universe feels that way you get a little angry. And over time you get a lot angry.
You want to get frustrated with your boss.
You want to get angry at your company.
And your company expresses anger at the government for their shortcomings.
And that is how government becomes the enemy.
You can’t blame your employer because … well … they are your employer. In addition … from your small corner of the world you see other companies being successful, more successful than your own, and you think “there must be someone or something tipping the scales in their favor.”
That hand guiding the universe must be the government.
And that is how the government becomes the enemy.
I am not suggesting the government is all benevolent. And I am certainly not suggesting it should run everything and be deeply involved in that enterprise we call society.
But when I listen to fervent anti-government people I most often hear words from people whose businesses and industries are the ones who screwed them.
Not the government.
The universe seems like a complicated thing and … well … it certainly can be.
But, in general, the most likely cause of any problems you may have or the situation you are in are created either by you or your most direct contacts <your employer, your hospital, your bank, your whatever>.
If there seems to be no progress in your world it is rarely some invisible hand pointing directly at you and your situation suggesting “no, no progress for this person” it is much more likely a reflection of your existing touchpoints.
But to believe that, to accept that, means you have to assume some responsibility for your perceived non-progress.
It is much easier to blame the invisible enemy.
Especially if the universe you knew seemed to disappear and a new universe, with some new unwritten rules, appears.
One thing, regardless of the universe and bizarre or not bizarre, is that the American dream remains centered on a dream of progress and doing.
If you work hard, play fair and ‘do’ you will progress.
And, if you do that, you will be better off than your parents … just as they reached farther than their parents.
The American dream of prosperity and security is the reward. The reward for being a good hard working American.
If that is true then the moment you perceive that the line you are standing in is not moving or even maybe moving backwards … well … you just start wondering about what is going on <and, god forbid, do not turn on your news>.
In general you know Life is hard, and it isn’t really supposed to be easy <just maybe not this hard> and you don’t complain <because Americans just do shit … they don’t complain>.
But. The bizarre world stops simply being bizarre and begins feeling ‘rigged’ the moment you stop feeling like you are not moving … and instead start feeling stuck.
It is hard to understand the universe. It is hard. And it gets harder when you feel like you have done everything right, or maybe just did your best, and the universe seems to not reward you.
I will suggest several things.
It is hard to understand the greater universe of things.
Most times if you are not progressing the majority of other people are also not progressing. As a corollary, if you are progressing to some degree the majority of other people are most likely progressing within the same margin of error degree to your progress.
Government can absolutely affect the universe, and sometimes in some fairly bizarre unintended ways, but more often than not their effect is less than you think both positively and negatively.
We are typically not a complaining society.
We are typically a hard working society.
We are typically a fair society.
Maybe we should stop trying to understand a relatively bizarre & inexplicable universe and just put one foot in front of the other day in and day out with just trying to be better than who we are today.
I imagine if everyone does this … well … we will progress and everyone will progress.
Now that I understand. That is a universe of things that I understand.
“Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do.
Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.
Try to be better than yourself.”
William Faulkner