I have made the case a number of times why healthcare for everyone benefits America from a productivity standpoint. Today I will try to make a case for healthcare for all by pointing out an underlying real issue which creates some disillusionment <which obviously drove some of the Trump support during the election> in middle America.
We often discuss inequality in terms of economics & opportunity … but how about something which cuts to the core being of everyone – life expectancy inequality.
I came across a map created in May of this year showing life expectancy by county.
Double yikes.
The average life expectancy … yes … average … in individual counties can vary by up to 20 … yes … 20 … years.
If you live in certain counties the average life expectancy is around 87 years <remember … this is average for an entire county> and in other counties the average life expectancy is around 67 years.
Holy shit.
20 years difference.
And I am not smart enough to do the cross tab <or invest the energy> but if you look at the life expectancy map and you were to overlay the Trump voter support I would bet <and I am not a betting man> that the counties which have the 20 years less life expectancy … shit … the counties with lower standard deviation life expectancies in general … went overwhelmingly for the Trumpster.
So for all the intellectuals, faux & real, who suggest many of the Trump voters are ignorant, misguided and stupid … you may want to shut up and think about this for a second.
These people have a legitimate gripe.
Life expectancy is pretty legitimate.
I mean if my local community is dying off around me and I look around at other communities who seem not only getting better breaks but are actually living longer … well … I am gonna start thinking I am being overlooked and underappreciated.

………… Life expectancy standard deviation …………….
Combine that with the fact the gap between longer life expectancy counties and lower life expectancy counties is actually growing and, well, I am gonna start truly believing that the elites & establishment do not really care.
“There’s no sign of the gap closing. In fact, it appears to be widening. Between 1980 and 2014, the gap between the highest and lowest life spans increased by about two years.
“With every passing year, inequality — however you measure it — has been widening over the last 34 years. And so next year, we can reliably expect it’ll be even more than 20.”
“That is probably the most alarming part of the analysis.”
Christopher Murray: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Having attended this rodeo before, I know I can count on getting a number of intellectual sounding emails pointing out the inevitable flaws in my thinking and conclusions. My suggestion to those people is please hit ‘unsend’ and get off your intellectual high horse and think about this.
Flawed logic or not … if I am in a county dying off at early ages I am more likely to be thinking I live in India and not in America. And if I even perceive that, if I even have a sense of that, I am gonna start wishing for what I thought America was again.
Parse out the flawed aspects behind my ‘America was again’ thought if you want but on the surface this is a no brainer thought. Dying can make you wish for a shitload of things that intellectually can seem less than logical but are actually well intended thoughts – because, uhm, this pertains to life & death.
All of this permits me to circle back to healthcare.
Maybe print out the map of life expectancy and put it beside your computer while you read this part.
We talk about putting healthcare in the hands of people.
We talk about subsidies for health insurance companies.
We talk about inordinate bureaucracy for … well … physicians, hospitals and patients.
We talk about high premiums, high deductibles and high falutin’ reasons why healthcare works and doesn’t work.
It’s all talk.
And it’s all bullshit.
Important bullshit in terms of actually getting something done but unimportant bullshit in terms of we are not getting something done.
Just because someone lives somewhere doesn’t mean they should have a lower life expectancy than someone who lives somewhere else … at least if they live in America <other countries deal with their own problems>.
Is health insurance the only reason for this?
Of course not <so keep your snarky emails to yourself>.
But health is certainly a reason for this.
At the core of life expectancy is … well … health. And I don’t really care how much you earn, what kind of education you have had, what kind of job you have, or do not have, but it seems like if you live in county X you should be offered equal health opportunities to those received in county Y.
There is more than enough inequality haunting the United States these days without having health services & insurance inequality.
There is more than enough inequality haunting the United State these days without having life expectancy inequality.