“I take up my old pen again – the pen of all my old unforgettable efforts and sacred struggles. To myself – today – I need say no more.
Large and full and high the future still opens. It is now indeed that I may do the work of my life.
I like these words.
For anyone approaching middle age, or wading through it, they may be the most useful words anyone has written, words that if we repeat often enough we may even start to act upon.
Words that could change our lives, or the long sweet stretch of it that is left.”
Henry James
<wrote in his early 50s>
“We know that greatness doesn’t come from building walls, it comes from building opportunity.”
<note: the original quote has “America’s” before greatness>
Yesterday I wrote about ‘no chance means no chance.’ Looking back upon it while I don’t regret the truth, or pragmatism of it, I began recognizing I kept going back to it again and again … my fingers hovering over the pragmatic side of it and the ‘delete’ key and having my thoughts hover over the hope portion with itchy fingers, and itchy mind, to write more and talk about how glimpses of ‘having a chance’ are the things that often not only get us thru the day but get us thru life.
That is the power of words. A word has the power to change the way you think about things but maybe more importantly a word … yes … a single word … has the power to change your life <because what you think often begets what you do>.
A word can surely be a wall … but more often than not … a word is a building block for opportunity. Such a small thing is large and full and … well … high the future still opens.
And while that sounds big & sweeping and maybe easily dismissed as words of a dreamer and things that are nice to think about but will never happen … I would like to point out that for almost 20 years now the internet has brought more new & different words into our lives. These words are opportunities. These little things are big and full of the future.
Because of this seeming barrage of words our lives, our culture; our minds have been forever changed. There is no going back and there is no ‘giving back.’ Words when encountered remain your companion to be hugged, bewildered by, spurned, loved and shadows you wherever you go from that moment on.
Even on the days when we shut ourselves away from people and the bustle and grind of Life there will not be a single day in which you will not interact with words.
They are your constant companion <friend or foe>.
Whole companies are now dedicated to words.
Any search engine or browser company.
Any social media company.
Whole industries these days have been developed solely on the use and management of words.
Your words beget their words. They organize words which inevitably force you & I to consider, an reconsider, words.
This means, at the core of our lives, is one simple thing … a word.
One word at a time our life is built.
One word at a time … opportunity … a dream … a hope … is built.
This means that a word, or combination of words, is the key to everyday life. The way we interpret a word can not only change the present but impact the future. One word can … well … actually change our behavior <Amazon is the most practical tactical example of this>.
Technology has actually given a word ‘super powers’ <and they were pretty frickin’ powerful before>. a word is no longer something we simply observed & absorbed … it now has acquired a more active role in life … it creates and impacts how we interact.
Simplistically. A word is a fundamental catalyst of Life.
It is impossible to imagine the world without words.
A word enables us to do things that maybe seem unthinkable.
A word encourages us to think … well … we have a chance.
And, maybe most of all, while I think of a word as the small key to greatness and opportunity I continue to think of the one syllable 4 letter word that is possibly the most powerful word in any language – hope.
Whenever I wonder why I sit in front of my computer and write I remember that words not only are the only constant companion we encounter every day but they are involved in almost every aspect of our lives. In some small way maybe I think of James’ words … “today – I need say no more. Large and full and high the future still opens. It is now indeed that I may do the work of my life.”
Weigh your words carefully today my friends … and take a moment and ponder the words you encounter … for most do not build walls but offer opportunities.