“Some conversations are not about what they’re about.”
Anne Carson
“That’s one of the great things about music. You can sing a song to 85,000 people and they’ll sing it back for 85,000 different reasons.
Dave Grohl
Sometimes the conversations you have with yourself aren’t the conversations you think they are.
Sometimes the music you listen to isn’t saying what you think it is.
This isn’t because we are superficial its because our brains think in depths & dimensions. Most times we begin with the instinctual response.
What someone says inspires a response. What someone musically plays inspires a response. Truth be told our instincts generally suck & truth is more often found with some depth.
This is where music really connects with us – past the instinctual and more within the depths of what resides within us. In fact. Our brains actually crave music.
“When we listen to music, we remember emotions and places that are fundamental to who we are.
It means that when we listen to music, this renewed sense of “I” empowers us to be present where we are now and within what we’re doing today.
It means that our brains crave music not just because it’s “pleasurable” or “sounds good”, but because it is a process of remembering — and we crave remembering. We crave the feeling of wholeness and integration that comes when we remember who we are now and who we were then as “I””
Lindsay Van Thoen
In other words. Music has a conversation with us which really isn’t about what we may think the conversation is about.
By the way.
This is good. Not just good because it helps us reconnect with our “I”, but also because most of the conversations we have with ourselves aren’t really soul searching but rather soul wrenching.
Doubt, fears of being good enough, self-uncertainty … these are the assholes you sometimes have a conversation with when “Life happens’. And, unfortunately, they all went to a debate school and unfortunately they all like to talk a lot when given the opportunity.
This why music is so powerful. It talks when given an opportunity. More importantly, it has a conversation with you while pushing aside all those asshole feelings and taps into a lot of the things you have forgotten.
“It’s easy to miss and easy to mistake
For when things are really great
It just means everything’s in its place.”Aimee Mann
Music has a healthy habit of sitting you down and saying “let’s talk about the things that are easy to miss & easy to mistake … the things that are really great.” Music is real. It’s not fake. It’s not any of that ‘happy hippie-shit Secret stuff’ just, note after note, the real conversation you should have with yourself.
I would suggest the most powerful words you will ever hear from music is most likely captured in this quote:
“I didn’t come this far, to only come this far.”
I love the quote for its simplicity. Life happens. Inevitably we all have shitty conversations with ourselves.
Then you sit down with some music, listen, and you hear a whisper in your brain that, well, you didn’t get that far just to get that far. None of us do. And sometimes you just have to remember that and, possibly, one of the best people to talk with to remind you of that is music. It’s the conversation that isn’t the conversation you may think you are having, but it’s the one conversation you need.