“Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss….”
He turned to me.
“But every once in a while, you find someone who’s iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.”
Wendelin Van Draanen
“We have plenty of room for people … in our lives, I mean.
Especially the ones who make us be the people we want to be.”
Suzanne LaFleur
As we near Christmas I want to take a moment and talk about iridescent people.
Iridescent people? Well. I tend to believe 99% of us have a ‘special person.’ A go-to person.
That person when we get in a hole they climb in and get us out — whether it be a pot hole, sink hole, shallow hole or deep dark hole.
These are your own personal iridescent ones. The ones that are not part of your family. They are the special people you come across in Life.
Now. You know they are your go-to people, but you also know they also have lives. And, on occasion, they have their own shit and whether they want to be there for you … they just cannot.
And maybe that is, at least partially, why Christmas can be so special. Santa Claus is a go-to, iridescent, always there person. It does not matter what is happening in the world. It doesn’t matter what is happening in his life. It doesn’t matter whether you think you need him or not … he just shows up.
He may not bring a tangible gift.
But he always offers an intangible gift.
“Faith is believing when common sense tells you not to. Don’t you see? It’s not just Kris that’s on trial, it’s everything he stands for. It’s kindness and joy and love and all the other intangibles.”
Miracle on 34th Street
Why does this matter? Well. At least on one day every year you know you can count on someone regardless of everything else happening. That is kind of special if you think about it.
Santa Claus is an extraordinary iridescent person because he is yours, shared with everyone else, and, yet, he delivers year in and year out on one day of the year.
Look. We all know people in flat … the person you always see in the parking lot at the office building who nods but you have no clue who they are … or the guys who pick up the garbage every Monday morning.
Most likely good people, not really ‘flat’ if you knew them, but they simply fill up part of the photo wall in the mosaic of your world.
We all know people in satin … people who link in with you on LinkedIn who you went to high school with but haven’t seen or spoken to since or the people in the gym who say good morning to you, but nothing more.
We know the people in gloss … the coworker who helps pick up the sack unasked, the neighbor who brings over leftovers rather than throw them out and the kind bagger at the local grocery store who always goes out of their way to stop and say hello.
We all know these people. They make up the mosaic of people who make up our lives.
And maybe that is what makes iridescent people so … well … special. They do not dominate the mosaic nor do they make up the whole. They just seem to be able to step in and step out and enhance the entire mosaic … and you.
I am not sure if they offer some little gift of hope every time they brush against us or if it is simply they take whatever is dark, and it doesn’t have to be dark as a hole but rather some sliver of disappointment, worry or angst, and offer just enough light to dispel that sliver of darkness.
I am not sure … but it seems like they make us ‘gooder’, if but for a moment, because they are there.
“I’m never as good as when you’re there.”
Russell Hammond
We all know things don’t always go exactly the way you want.
We all know we are not entitled to anything just for existing.
We all know that what you earn in life equals exactly what you put into it.
But we all know it helps to have a go to person who can show up when it counts.
Who would have thought a fat old white man in a suit that looks like it was made from a red corduroy couch you would have found in a 70’s furniture store would be a prime example of a go to iridescent person?
I imagine my point is … well … several points.
Iridescent can come in any shape, size or form.
Iridescent can come in a tale, dream or truth.
Iridescent is most often defined not by anything really tangible but by the intangible gifts you receive.
Iridescent … well … iridescent may actually be judged not in the moment but in reflection … when everything becomes dust and ashes … the iridescent will endure.
That’s Santa Claus, isn’t it?
Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the one iridescent person we all share.
“Things need not have happened to be true.
Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.”
Neil Gaiman