“If I have gained anything … it is the knowledge there is no starting over – only living with the mistakes you’ve made.”
Jodi Picoult
“It is so hard to leave — until you leave.
And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.”
John Green
Almost everything in life (and business) can be encapsulated in beginnings, ends & what is in between. Everything occurs there. So when I speak of starting over I am also talking about ends.
Or conclusions.
Or when enough is enough.
And where you go when you have reached ‘enough is enough’. Now, some people suggest that point should be called ‘starting over’. I don’t but suffice it to say starting over is not only big business, but it may actually be part of our DNA.
I think part of America’s DNA is a belief anyone can reinvent themselves. We write books about it, give seminars on it, share trite inspirational ramblings on it and invest gobs of energy on it.
I don’t believe in starting over. To me it implies you can leave some stuff behind, wipe the slate clean as they say <whoever ‘they’ is>, but reality is you never really leave shit behind.
What do I mean?
I think Life is like a puzzle. You are given some pieces and you pick up some pieces as you progress. And it is just part of Life that sometimes all the pieces just don’t fit. But here’s the deal. Once you pick up a piece it has your fingerprints on it.
And even if you try to discard what you see as a useless piece … you cannot. The pieces are sticky.
It is possible in reading that you may think I am suggesting being more careful about what puzzle pieces you accumulate.
I am not.
Picking up puzzle pieces is just part of living Life.
Suffice it to say you are never really finished putting a puzzle together. You are always looking at new pieces and picking up new pieces. Now. On occasion it may feel like you have almost put your puzzle together only to find some pieces that don’t fit <and they may have even actually fit in the past>. Yeah. Puzzle pieces can change. Oh. And sometimes you can actually want a piece to fit, but it won’t fit into the space you’ve designated for it. Yeah. It gets challenging.
But beyond the actual pieces, and going back to the whole ‘reinvention’ or starting over idea, you can’t really discard the puzzle and start over.
Pieces? Sure.
The puzzle? Nope.
To be clear. We may want to get rid of the fucking puzzle. We may look at the puzzle we have put together, or let’s say, tried to put together, or maybe it is just a big nasty pile of pieces staring at us in the face … and say “shit, where did I go wrong?”
This is one of the few times you have permission to sit, maybe cry a little … and certainly think about how your life may have gone awry.
I don’t mean that you should wallow in pity that things look like they didn’t go your way. I’m just saying that it’s okay to sit and be unhappy that you sucked at putting the fucking puzzle together well.
It’s okay to be upset.
But you are stuck with much of the puzzle you have invested in. Yeah. That thought will make almost anyone unhappy. But maybe it is good to get upset and let all the frustrated, disappointed, sad feelings out because when you’re done, maybe you get angry. And when you get angry, maybe you decide to do something about it.
Here is the good part of my whole ‘there is no starting over’ and this Life puzzle thought.
There is always another piece – choice, option and way out <forward> – around you waiting to be picked up. So when I say I think starting over is bullshit I am not suggesting that you give up nor am I suggesting that “life is out of my control” or that it is too big to do anything about it.
Because I hate it when people say things are “out of their control.”
That’s bullshit.
And it is simply an excuse to not go after what they want.
Pieces are all around so go after what you want, do something about the crappy puzzle you have put together to date, but, that is not starting over. It is about moving forward, accepting what you have done up to that point, sifting through all of it and gathering up the good <because there is no way in hell you have made 100% bad decisions and have 100% ‘wrong’ puzzle pieces in your puzzle> and starting to build a new version of the puzzle you have already started.
Inevitably this is about making some choices and making some new decisions <that are good for you>.
Now. There is another sort of tough thing to grasp when it comes to this not starting over, but rebuilding your puzzle idea. People around you see different things in the puzzle you have already built and some of them have ideas about it. That only matters because what sucks about making decisions that are good for you is that not everyone is going to be happy with the decisions nor the results. Nor is much of the world going to be paying attention … because they will be making their own decisions and doing their own thing. Who cares? Its your puzzle, your life and your responsibility to self.
Starting over doesn’t mean picking up and moving, maybe it’s an attitude change, maybe a shift in your mindset, maybe its just a change of heart or a new outlook on life. All of those things give you a new outlook on your puzzle.
Anyway. Here is what I know.
This whole starting over thing drives me a little nuts.
I don’t like the thought of thinking of everything as a do-over.
Sure. You always get another chance, heck, that is what Life is all about. But you don’t get to ‘do over’ something, you just get to do something else.
I think it is better, and healthier, to accept the fact you can’t wipe the slate clean. All you can really do is to stop and understand why you are the way that you are and how you got to where you are.
Oh. I said ‘stop,’ and not ‘take a step back.
Purposefully I may add.
Most times we are seeking to understand what we have done and at the same time try and put something behind you.
That said.
It seems silly to step back, but instead maybe just stop.
Semantics? Maybe. But stopping means pause, assess, evaluate, look around.
Shove the shit that is actually behind you <no sense stepping back and reliving it> or to the side or, even better, into some storage bin <and, once again, I purposefully do not suggest ‘burning or destroying’ … it is what it is … you cannot destroy your past>. You are storing away anything that is adding weight to your load and impedes your progress.
This suggests you also have to quit over thinking everything and anything.
I say that because any winning, even in Life, is part thinking and part instinctual. It’s a balance.
Happiness is almost exactly the same. Maybe because happiness is partially about … well … winning.
And I don’t mean tangible shit <money, stuff, trophies, cars, etc.>, but rather satisfaction in oneself <meaning, mattering and purpose>.
“Happiness is simple. Everything we do to find it is complicated. “
Karen Maezen Miller
Which leads me to the fact you actually have to give yourself the opportunity for satisfaction.
What I mean by that is if you sit and think through every possible scenario, dissect every decision into meaningless scraps <ultimately making the decision you need to make completely unrecognizable>, it doesn’t make anything better.
It just makes everything worse.
To be clear.
You still need to make decisions based on logic and practicality.
Not all decisions need to be analyzed so hard.
In fact. That is probably the main reason all this ‘starting over’ stuff is bullshit.
Decisions in life, and in general, are iterative. One decision changes the entire context within which the next decision is to be made.
And that insight alone kills the concept of starting over.
Once you have begun your puzzle you need to just, well, go. Maybe not forward … but going. You really cannot go back.
“As I reflect back on the lion’s share of my life, it feels I have been fighting a battle I couldn’t win.
It always seemed my opponent was one step ahead of me.
Only when I surrendered, and started my life all over, did I discover that my opponent was me. “
With all due respect to williamchapmanwritings, you never really surrender in Life. You actually “reflect on the move.”
How do I know that?
Because if we didn’t we would constantly be run over. And most of us don’t have tread marks just dents from where we get bumped by Life. Our self, in some form or fashion, keeps going despite the dents.
Which leads me to self.
Our opponent in the battle in Life is really … well … me. Us. Me, myself & I.
The whole trite concept of ‘starting over’ is 99% of the time all about self.
What does that mean? There is no starting over, just adapting.
I imagine this also means Life is exactly what you make it out to be.
No one else.
And maybe that is why there is no starting over. There is no rebirth and there is no new childhood, there is just “where do I go from here?” Yeah. “I” go from here. Don’t start over, just start going. Ponder.