“It’s a very powerful thing when someone sees you as the person you wish you were.”
Veronica Mars
I believe all of us try and be the best version of ourselves. Maybe not all the time, but as often as we can.
I also believe that most of us question whether we are the best version of ourselves.
I imagine Life is inevitably lived somewhere in between.
We get glimpses of the best version of ourselves.
It’s an odd, sometimes uncomfortable, journey. There are places you found your best self only lose it and then find it and lose it again.
In a frustrating way, it gives you hope.
Frustratingly, in many ways, we seem to struggle really hard just to grasp the basic elements of the best version of yourself. One would think being the best version of yourself should be easy.
Most often it is not.
And maybe that is what bravery, or personal courage, is all about.
Having the courage to forge through the adversity of Life and trust the best version of yourself to arrive at some point <again> and, hopefully, at the right time and place.
That said.
Please recognize I hesitate to believe that there is such a thing as a constant version of you being at your best.
Everyone goes through highs and lows and “best” is sometimes relative. The problem is most people hide their ‘lows’ so well you can end up looking around and end up feeling bad about yourself because you think you’re the only one not being the best version of what you could be.
I say that because “hope” resides within that thought. Once you better understand that ‘best self’ exists somewhere, well, there is always hope that the best is attainable.
All that said.
Here is where I get back to the opening quote and say this is why the people who see you as the person who you wish you could be are invaluable.
These are the people who take the parts you have thrown away.
Thrown away because you were convinced they went the best version of you.
Thrown away because you didn’t see them as part of the person you wished you could be.
They take these parts and pick them up and sometimes they hand them back to you and say “uhm, don’t throw that way” or sometimes they tuck that part in their pocket to give back another day or sometimes they sweep those parts up and put them together in a way you never saw them before and just show you what that version could be.
“I want the parts that you’ve tried to throw away – the parts that you were convinced no one could ever want.”
What you wish you could be is a pretty powerful thing. A pretty powerful feeling.
It is something everyone should have.
It is a good thing.
It is aspirational and motivating and hopeful. And, yet, it is also frightening, disappointing and potentially corrosive to your esteem and who you are.
But that is why the people who see you as you wish you could be are powerful people.
Don’t ignore those people if you are fortunate enough to have one in your Life. We all wish we were better than we are and Life has a nasty habit (along with social media i imagine) to remind you when you are not better so the people who break through all of that and, on occasion, point out ‘seeing you as you wish you were’ are often the stepping stones that get you through some fairly hellish moments in Life. Ponder.