Alice: I simply must get through!
Doorknob: Sorry, you’re much too big. Simply impassible.
Alice: You mean impossible?
Doorknob: No, impassible. Nothing is impossible.
Alice in Wonderland
Impassible versus impossible.
There is kind of a life lesson in that challenge.
Physically some things are just not possible as an individual.
I could never have become an NBA (or even a college) basketball player. There is no chance I would have ever threatened Usain Bolt in a race.
Frankly there are some things in life that take some physical talent to achieve.
Even some odd things that can impact your Life <and career>.
A great orator has the gift, the art of speech, within which gives them a natural <rather than learn through the science from without> ability to articulate things well..
Some people cannot travel and function well. They are just not physically capable of fulfilling some roles involving lots of travel.
To some degree you can overcome some physical limits, but in general you won’t be able to overcome another who has the true innate natural ability and who is possibly physically more adept or able to meet the ‘whatever’ that makes that opportunity “passible.” Sometimes the issue is just too big and is, once again, impassible.
Of course, there are always exceptions.
Hence the ‘nothing is impossible.’ But I would be remiss if I didn’t point out they are exceptions; not the rule.
Anyhoo. This is a marvelous moment with Alice. And the fact it is given by the metaphorical doorknob is genius.
Life offers you a shitload of doors. And I can promise you several things about these Life doors:
– They will be closed when you first see them.
That’s just the way Life works.
Some are locked, some are unlocked, some are small and some are big.
Heck. Some are hidden and some are painted bright red <so you do not miss them>. But they will all be closed initially and you will have to reach out and take the doorknob. It may talk to you and it may not. But you gotta open the door on your own to decide if it is passable or impassable.
– Each door when you open it has a door jamb and it will give you the opportunity to trip over it; even if the door itself is wide open.
Well. Life rarely makes even open doors easy. Keep your eyes open, head high, footsteps confident and you have a chance. Let me repeat: a chance (not a guarantee).
– There are a shitload of doors.
Life will not be frugal with regard to showing you doors. In fact, in a twist of semi-cruel intent, it will offer you more doors than you will know what to do with. That means with all these doors available you need to recognize the fact that the doors in life will all represent multiple challenges and each door may not be right for you.
So maybe if you face each one by simply deciding first ‘is it passible’ and second ‘is it possible’ you will choose the best doors to pass through in your own life.
That’s all I really know about doors that Life offers you.
Impassible or Impossible.
Outstanding thought to keep in mind as you walk thru Life.