plural noun /ˈdʒɪt̬·ərz/
<Cambridge Dictionary>
a feeling of being nervous that you experience before something important happens:
I always get the jitters the morning before an exam.
“I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending.“
Fred Rogers
Christmas Eve and pre-Christmas jitters.
This is different than anticipation or expectations or … well … anything, but the … uhm … jitters.
Why jitters?
It all revolves around receiving and giving. And this changes as we get older.
In youth the jitters revolve around the receiving.
As we age the jitters shift to giving.
And while years come and go, the jitters stay year in and year out. And maybe that is what makes this version of jitters a little unique.
Experience doesn’t matter.
No matter how many Christmases you have endured, enjoyed or embraced, no matter how familiar the ritual becomes and how consistent the day & event unfolds, none seem to ever change the ‘jitter’ aspect.
Now. I can’t speak to the receiving jitters anymore because I have left youth far behind.
But as for the giving?
Well. You don’t even have to invested gobs of time pondering the perfect gift nor does it matter that you know what someone wants … the moment before the moment … creates … well … at least a moment of jitters.
Despite the fact most of us know we suck at giving gifts , we want to get it right. We want to maybe not hit the nail on the head gift wise, but we at least want to not be so far off base that we disappoint on the one day of the year where you think disappointment just shouldn’t show up.
I like reading how many people write about Christmas.
I like reading how many people seem to reach into the true spirit of Christmas and reflect upon the goods & the bads <but, most typically, the goods>.
I like reading how many people enjoy the glitz & glitter & trappings and, yet, for the most part enjoy the underpinnings and the ‘invisible’ or ‘less than visible’ things that truly make up Christmas.
And maybe it is that last point why so many of us have pre-Christmas jitters. For one moment, the moment a gift is picked up, shaken, and opened, you are quite possibly more visible than you have ever been and even more visible than any glitz & glitter & trappings surrounding you.
Its not that most of us want to be invisible, but being starkly visible — whether we are ready or not or want it or not — can be a little daunting.
Hence the jitters.
In the end.
Gifts don’t really matter.
Shit. We all pretty much know that. Even bad gifts given with good intentions are good gifts.
And we all pretty much know that Christmas is more found in the hearts & souls of all < yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus> rather than in some poorly wrapped, are impeccably wrapped, gift.
But all that said.
Pre-Christmas jitters.
I assume 99% of us have them. Even with all that I shared with regard to what I tend to believe all of us know about Christmas.
And you know what?
The jitters are part and parcel to a good Christmas day.
It shows you care.
You care about Christmas and you care that someone cares about what you have given.
Caring … is … well … good.
Merry Christmas and I hope your jitters are merry.