I am trying to get a head start on addressing any impropriety that I may (will) do as I misread every political correctness guide book around the holidays (but I do relatively well around 4th of July) in order to avoid my own grumpiness surrounding one of my favorite times of the year.
Let me open with wishing everyone a Merry Chrismukkah.
(Kudos to the TV show The OC for coining the Chrismukkah theme.)
Uh oh.
I bet I left someone out.
(Ok. Here is where I start my typical ramp up on the rant as I think about it.)
I admit.
I am a Merry Christmas guy. And I don’t consciously (and probably not even subconsciously) mean it as a Christian greeting. As well…I don’t mean it to exclude anyone. I just think Happy Holidays doesn’t have … well … the merriness I typically associate with this time of the year.
Yeah. I guess I could say Merry Holidays.
That’s weird.
Maybe it would help me out if everyone could wear name tags with their preferred greeting so I wouldn’t offend anyone.
(I was tempted to suggest uniforms because it could double as a retail stimulus program if the government funded it)
Here’s the deal. Here’s the tough spot I am in:
(and I frickin’ don’t like being in this tough spot cause I like to think I am relatively considerate of others’ beliefs)
I just want everyone to have a frickin’ merry… well … whatever. (and it’s the whatever that starts getting me steamed).
I want everyone to enjoy the frickin’ Holiday season because I believe no matter how you celebrate “it” you should celebrate this time of the year.
So when I say Merry Christmas I am genuinely saying “what a great time of the year and enjoy it”.
And I admit. I get deflated when someone says “Happy Holidays” to you out of political correctness. I kinda cringe when it happens because it seems to have lost any heartfelt sincerity because they were being careful.
(I guess I could say it loses some of its optimism because it is defensive phrasing rather than risking offensive phrasing supported with 100% positive meaning sincerity. Oops. That was the business side of me.)
And, damn it, I don’t want to be deflated during the holidays.
(The fruit cake will take care of that.)
Lastly. I believe everyone should listen to Nat King Cole sing “The Christmas Song.”
(Even though it’s called Christmas…and…despite the fact I believe 83.733% of the world has never seen nor knows what a chestnut is – warm, tepid or cool. )
I cannot believe anyone (that would be 100% of the world) would not get into the Christmas/Holiday spirit listening to it.
(Because I believe it is the best version of the greatest holiday song.)
(ps – I am tired of putting things in parentheses)
Regardless of your religion or non religion, please accept my warmest wishes for this time of the year, have fun and … well … Merry Christmas.