When It Comes To Character, Each Moment Matters
Any life, no matter how long and complex
it may be, is made up of a single moment.
The moment in which a person finds out,
once and for all,
who he is.
Jorge Luis Borges
I teach as many high school classes as I can because I think kids today should be as prepared for the real world as possible.
I talk with them about what it takes to be successful in a career (and life).
My favorite topic to discuss is “character.”
I describe it as a fork in the road. Okay. A shitload of forks in the road.
A moment, or moments, where you have a choice which helps define who you will be moving forward in life.
I ceratainly never mean to suggest I know “the right path” … all I mean I that we all have choices to do “the right thing” or “the wrong thing” and those types of decisions go a long way to defining “once and for all who you are.”
The other thing I happen to mention which I oddly enough learned in the advertising world … each moment matters.
If you find an excuse to not do what is best one moment … well … the next moment is even easier to not do the right thing -… and then the next thing you know you are on the slippery slope and you cannot get off.
This is a Life truth. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
I like the saying, “Character is who you are when no one is watching.”