Global warming PR agency fired as Bin Laden blames U.S. for global warming
Despite the fact bin Laden purportedly ignored the script of his Global Warming public relations agency (The Cool Buzz Agency – they also represent the only Tibetan beer, “Dolly Llama Lager”), they were fired after a broadcast on Al-Jazeera television, in which bin Laden warns of the dangers of climate change, blames U.S. and says that the way to stop it is to bring “the wheels of the American economy” to a halt.
Defending Cool Buzz the agency spokesperson stated “apparently bin forgot his reading glasses and read ‘us’ as U.S. when reading from the press release.”
The agency spokesperson also went on to remind everyone that bin Laden has been in a slight funk ever since Jiminy Cricket passed away and his wishes on falling stars were removed from the al Qaeda arsenal.
On a separate note the PR agency announced new client Lord Voldemort, in preparation for the last releases of Harry Potter movies. In Lord Voldemort’s initial statement with the agency he states “Harry’s inexcusable, excessive and inappropriate use of magic is a major contributor to the global warming issue the world is facing, and I am appealing to the United Nations to sanction Harry Potter and everything he stands for.”
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