try try again (this is a heads up)

Overwhelmed_by_ursulavSo. We are going to try again.

Try what?

Try again to fix the unenlightened site (lots of conflict going on too).

(thought bubble here): Oh God. Oh God. Oh God …..

Tomorrow morning (Wednesday) there will be no access to the site as we shut it down for fixes.

I kind of feel like the Atlanta perimeter highway from the 80’s until now (constantly under construction with lots of road rage).

I am not doing this simply to use another cool under construction visual

(although I would guess that is one benefit).

So if you cannot access the brilliant drivel I have been producing there is nothing wrong on your end, it’s all me

(or us … or  … the site … or wordpress … or whatever).

When will we be back?

As with all timing estimates this one is certainly an optimistic guesstimate.

We plan to be up & running by say July 2nd or 3rd (with all the bells & whistles you have come to expect.

Well. At least an occasional bell. Just a couple of days we hope.

Thanks for your patience.

And your comments.

And just showing up.

Have a great 4th. Blow something up. 4th of July vacation fireworks

Written by Bruce