“Maybe growing up was really nothing more than growing away: from your old life, from your old self, from all those things that kept you tethered to your past.”
Jennifer E. Smith
Forever is a long, long time.
And has a way of changing things.
The Fox and the Hound
Forever is about time and it isn’t. What I mean is we associate forever with time and, yet, it is timeless so time … in a slightly absurd twist of truth … is almost irrelevant to ‘forever.’
We always associate Forever with a long, long time.
And time is a funny thing.
It can ebb and flow all within a finite amount of time.
It can increase speed and decrease speed and yet remain an extremely identifiable finite amount of time.
It can take years of asking and creating questions … and a second to answer everything.
Forever is all of that and more.
That said.
While I think we get better with the concept of forever as we get older I am fairly sure we don’t really realize how vast forever is.
And what I mean by that is it seemingly contains everything and, yet, all of a sudden … we realize that we will not last forever and it runs the risk of containing … uh oh … nothing.
Basically, being the type of outcome oriented people we are; we actually try and apply some measurement to forever.
But think about it.
Forever is everything until it is nothing.
Forever is hope until it is emptied of everything … and hope no longer exists.
All that said.
I, personally, wish the word didn’t exist. To me it captures everything bad about false hope and, therefore, provides a nice well wrapped excuse for us to not face what Emerson suggests “God offers to every mind its choice between truth & repose. Take which you please – you can never have both.”
The whole idea of forever far too often tethers us to our past or inertia. Neither of which is very productive.
While I do believe growing up, for those who do actually grow up, is more like growing away … or unlearning shit … I also believe growing up, more often than not, is growing away from the belief in forever.
In other words … we grow away from infiniteness and grow closer to an understanding of finiteness.
I actually don’t think that is a bad thing. It most likely actually helps us live Life a little better and maybe even manage Life choices and behavior a little better.
“Let me tell you a truth … no matter what choice you make, it doesn’t define you.
Not forever.
People can make bad choices and change their minds and hearts and do good things later; just as people can make good choices and then turn around and walk a bad path. No choice we make lasts our whole life. If there’s ever a choice you’ve made that you no longer agree with, you can make another choice.”
Jonathan Maberry
Life is a mixed bag of contradictory events, outcomes and feelings all of which can careen through your Life with wild abandon like a bunch of bulls in your china shop.
This means in assessing forever it really isn’t like assessing a balance sheet but more like trying to judge a handful of marbles rolling around a tilting table.
The good news on that is, more often than not, bad shit is not indicative of Life Armageddon and good shit is not indicative of future ongoing bliss.
Forever is simply an endless array of moments crashing into each other and away from each other in which present moments look bigger than they truly are and then … well …than we have another moment.
And another.
And, well, another.
Until we don’t have any moments left.
And in the end we most likely look back at all the moments in what we deemed our forever and if we are lucky, and did things the best we could whenever we could, we most likely see that our forever is filled with somethings that don’t look too bad.
I sometimes believe this is a lesson learned of experience.
That said.
Forever is an empty concept.
It can only be filled if you actively fill it with something. you have to choose between truth or repose … you cannot have both.
Here is what I do know about forever.
It doesn’t really exist to an everyday schmuck like me and my Life. It only exists in the minds of astrophysicist and … well … smart intellectual types in some theoretical way.
Time is finite in everyday Life and that reality smacks us in the face each and every day. It is a reality in which we tend to define forever in terms of minutes not eons.
Everyday schmucks like me love the idea of forever <on some things>… and hate the idea of forever <on some things> … and constantly misapply the idea of forever to our time and, yet, all the while do our best to fucking kill the concept of forever in tiny scraps of time … choice by choice.
But I would argue until … well … my forever is done … that thinking about anything in terms of forever is a fool’s errand. It is foolish because if you think you have forever you will most likely remain tethered to the past and, well, forever is most likely best explored by growing up by growing away.
But … that’s me.