what horrifies me most is
“What horrifies me most is the idea of being useless: well-educated, brilliantly promising, and fading out into an indifferent middle age.”
Sylvia Plath
“My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean.
Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”
David Mitchell
Being useless.
Can you think of anything worse than feeling like you are, or have been, useless?
Of course.
What is worse is actually being a useless fuck.
99% of us think we are smart <or smart enough>.
99% of us have felt a sense of promise.
99% of us want our Life to amount to something.
So what happens if that 99% actually thinks they may … uhm … be useless?
While I imagine depression or becoming extremely depressed would be the first thing most people would think about … ‘horrified’ may actually be the more appropriate sense.
Maybe it is a general sense of meaninglessness?
Ah shit … I don’t know.
But just thinking about the possibility of thinking I am useless is a fucking depressing thought. And I am not a wildly ambitious person and I think it would be pretty fucking depressing to think that way.
This came to mind after I had a discussion with one of the kindest, nicest, most generous … and smart … people I know.
After scanning Facebook updates and thinking a little bit about Life and ‘what do I have to show for it all’ their mind, quite expectedly from my point of view, started going down the ‘fucking useless Life’ rabbit hole.
<note: I did remind them that Facebook is not typically where you advertise your losses, disappointments and failures but rather is a place where one goes to conflate their wins, supposed happiness and successes>
But the conversation did remind me that assessing usefulness is not an easy task.
Yeah. yeah. yeah.
We talk about integrity, doing things the right way, honesty and kindness as well as the infamous “a flower doesn’t judge itself next to the flower beside it … it just grows” but reality continuously punches us in the face with ‘proof, proof, proof.’
Where is the proof for your Life and usefulness?
And this gets even more difficult when you look around and see people who obviously are not doing things the right way, who have a dubious relationship with integrity, truth is something they store in some closet to pull out for special occasions and, yet, they have a lot of useful stuff to showcase proof that in some way they have been useful.
Usefulness can occur in a variety of ways.
And 99% of us know that but it sure don’t make it any easier to actually not be horrified when looking around and assessing one’s own usefulness.
It doesn’t make it any easier when we realize we may actually be no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Because I tend to believe 99% of us know that but felt we would be smarter enough, have enough promise and do things the right way just enough to be a little more than just one drop in a limitless ocean.
All that said.
Feeling useless, or feeling like what you have to offer is being wasted, or even feeling that doing it the right way and having integrity hasn’t got you shit compared to others assholes who have no real desire to do things the right way or do not really care much about integrity <unless they feel a need to check that box> … well … sucks.
I feel like I should offer some optimistic and hopeful and positive thought now … but I don’t really have one to offer at the moment.
Because what horrifies me is the thought that I may end up useless despite not being the dullest knife in the drawer, despite that fact I most likely still have some promise and despite the fact I imagine I would really like to contribute to Life in some positive morally driven thoughtful way.
Because what horrifies me is the thought that I could pass over into an indifferent age in which I would be viewed as useless.
Because what horrifies me is that I do not have any advice or can even offer some semblance of an answer today.
Because what horrifies me is that I had no answer for the person who teetered on the edge of feeling useless … and, well, that kind of made me feel a little useless too.
And THAT horrifies me to no have an answer for someone else … because what happens if it is me at some point?
Here is what I know.
Just thinking about the possibility of thinking I am useless is a fucking depressing thought.
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