A successful economic development strategy must focus on improving the skills of the area’s workforce, reducing the cost of doing business and making available the resources business needs to compete and thrive in today’s global economy.
Rod Blagojevich
What I am about to share is speculative. It is anyone’s guess what Trump is actually thinking.
I rarely have anything positive to say about Trump so this one may be a pleasant surprise to Mr. President Elect.
While he is a narcissistic thin skinned, morally bankrupt, hollow, immature asshat … he may actually be trying to do something which I am not sure had been possible … up until now <and I am intrigued>.
I actually think he may believe he can create a new American economy construct … and I mean the entire architecture, not just infrastructure or energy or … well … any one sector, the whole kitandkaboodle.
To think this I had to tune out the politicians <who get caught up in the individual decisions he is making and going ballistic over specific individuals> … and I had to tune out the media <who get caught up in the individual decisions he is making and going ballistic over specific individuals> because they may most certainly be missing the larger view <and possible intent> and what the entire team may make possible.
This meant I had to tune out crap like ‘friend of Russia’ or ‘climate denier’ or … well … pick your poison.
Yeah, sure, while I could absolutely skewer the majority of his cabinet decisions … and while it is easy to judge each on social <or lack of social > merits … and while it is difficult to find a single moral compass in any of these merry band of immoral brothers … it certainly appears he is shaping up a team capable of building a new ‘tanker.’

Like a whole brand new tanker … launch it … and scuttle the existing one.
What do I mean?
The USA economy is like a huge tanker. A tanker built maybe 100 years ago. It still runs fine.
Sometimes needs a tune up, it has a shitload of barnacles <in the form of rules and regulations that have been attached over time> and over time we have bolted on, and welded on in some weird places, some new shit as technology & manufacturing & greed abuse have dictated.
This means our tanker is not as efficient as it was when it was first launched.
In addition … politicians being politicians … they have never taken anything off the tanker only added to it and added to the regulations on how it can be navigated <which has only made it heavier and less agile>.
This means today’s economy is good, not great, and not really built for 2030 success.
When I look at the potential Trump cabinet I see … well … a new tanker <a new economy built for 2030 success and beyond>.
When I look at the potential Trump cabinet I see … well … things that a traditional political/diplomacy driven cohort couldn’t do <although, yes, it comes with an expense>
When I look at the potential Trump cabinet I see … well … it looks like he has the ego and the balls to actually try and change the whole architecture of the economy <destroy and create in other words>. He has business men who don’t really care about the existing rules or care about what is being done … they make deals and they create economic infrastructure so an economy can work within the infrastructure. They see an old tanker and seek to design a new tanker … from scratch.
This was a mindboggling thought when I first thought it. <and it hit me when he announced his new secretary of state nominee>.
I may have actually underestimated his ballsiness.
Tune out the traditional political talking points. Tune out the <real> conflict concerns. Tune out the pessimism and concerns.
Tune in to the fact he has created a team that appears capable of building a new tanker. I sat back and scratched my head and said … “well, I could call this building an economy with a ‘zero-based economy’ attitude <build from scratch rather than renovate existing>.
I could be wrong <and have been before with this asshat> but it appears like he wants to sit down and say ‘screw all regulations, screw all the plans, screw all trade deals, and screw all diplomatic relationships’ … let’s construct the American economy of the future from scratch. And then go out and transactionally build it domestically and internationally.
What got me here?
Yeah. That secretary of state nominee was the last domino.
No traditional diplomacy experience … only transactional economic diplomacy experience <globally but tightly with Russia>.
<ohhhhh …. note to anyone concerned with the Russia ‘ties’ thing:
Imagine if Trump administration wants to recreate the oil supply construct of the ENTIRE world diminishing Middle East role … uhm … he would make USA and Russia the foundation for global oil supply thereby making Middle East almost irrelevant. Putin would love this economically and we would cut ties with frenemies in Middle East. This, alone, reshapes the entire world economy and country’s roles in terms of relevance … well … how’s THAT for a gangbuster idea?>
His ambassador to China nominee is an economic relationship based person.
In addition.
He has old white, lack of moral compass men in positions to change commerce, labor, healthcare, taxation and finance.
And an old white irascible man to adapt laws & regulations to accommodate a new economy.
Here is maybe the strangest thing.
You know what sealed the theory for me?
The seeming moral bankruptcy and lack of moral compass within the business nominees <even when combining all the old asshats>.
They are business assassins. They ignore all the non-business noise and make
business deals and get business shit done. up to this point they have done it in a self interest way and now they are being pointed toward America self interest.
As I stated in an earlier piece .. while I could never see having Trump as a leader and working for him … this is almost exactly how I would use him if he were working FOR me.
To address the ‘moral’ elephant in the room.
Someone near and dear to my heart passionately, and with a lot of angst, vocalized concerns about living wages, healthcare for those who couldn’t afford it, ‘the needs of the everyday working person’, greed, inequality <or top 1% only ones who benefit> and … well … morality in general.
All of these things are viable concerns.
And I may even heighten concerns a little more <although I will address them later in his piece> when I suggest this is how we may know if I am right or not on this theory.
If I were Trump and I was truly focused on creating a new economy tanker I would look around at all my Republican ‘privatize everything’ frenemies and non economy departments and say “do what you want … BUT … I do not want to get one call or have to answer one question about why someone lost their healthcare or why some school thing is stupid or why some family got split up or … well … just make sure no one gets screwed from what they have today, will ya?” <or you are fired>.
To do what I am suggesting takes focus and not care about ‘people issues’ in the construct. I know. that sounds cold. And it sounds fraught with peril. But what I would suggest to everyone is that if they build a sleeker more robust tanker … I can always come back and figure out how to make sure everyone, and the right people, benefit from the new tanker. And, frankly, that may not be this merry band of morally corrupt greedy motherfuckers job.
Let me share the possible downsides <the risks>.
Destroying construct makes it a free for all <for awhile>.
To do something like this, destroy to create, this translates into purposely dismantling existing barriers that protect America’s interest. This throws the world into a cage match or a demolition derby.
And not just an economic demolition derby but a ‘role in the world’ demolition derby.
Trump is a doer and transactional. I worry that while he and his team seek out individual cars in this global demolition derby someone else is viewing the entire arena and … well … seeks to own the derby itself <think China>.
That is always the danger of approaching things transactionally. Each transaction, in and of itself, appears great but put together shows missed opportunities.
Here is what we have going for us in this demolition derby … our guys are ruthless drivers.
Lack of diplomacy.
Okay. Maybe there is some diplomacy but let’s call t economic diplomacy.
Global diplomatic relationships have traditionally been on a three legged stool … military/security, economic & cultural/country self interest <or maybe, on that last one, governing uniquenesses … respect for their governing ideology>.
In general all three legs are even when balancing a relationship with an individual country. Trump appears to actually be stacking them. Economic supported by military <protect economics> and … well … screw cultural desires.
In my professional world this is like commoditizing the world through economics. Strip away the brands and branding and make everything strictly functional. .
Sticking with what I know best … this is like hammering away in a marketplace based on functional is the basis for any value proposition. And I cannot tell you how many times I have steered businesses toward this rather than some glitzy empty brand crap. But. There has to be balance. It’s kind of like a football team who decides to run the ball every play of the game and bludgeon the competition to death through sheer focus and aggressiveness. It is hard to argue with as long as you win and it is your strength. But … well … in the longer term … you are gonna get beat being one dimensional. I worry that focusing on economics leaves a huge opening for others who want to use true diplomacy.
Here is what we have going for us in this ‘playing nice doesn’t matter’ style … our guys know how to build mutually beneficial economic deals <and money, which translates into security & stability, can pay for a lot of mean lack of diplomatic skills>.
Anything beyond the almighty dollar.
Yeah. This one is a little concerning.
Climate change, inequality, living wages, social issues <anything that could be construed as ‘politically correct issue’> … someone else is gonna have to ride herd on these. This administration will let others worry about that and focus on economy construct.
Here is what we have going for us … politicians never miss an opportunity to try and score ‘I am thinking about you’ points. they will rush to bolt on crap and, on the good side, create some navigational regulations not to slow the tanker down but keep it in a ‘fair, beneficial’ sea lane.
Politics & politicians.
This is the biggest stumbling block to my theory <and Trump’s success>.
This theory of mine only works if politicians get out of the way. If they focus on tactics and individuals and scoring political points they miss the entire picture view … and miss the bigger opportunity.
Government institutions & establishment might prove too resistant to change. I hear some Republicans getting queasy because they have to explain to their constituents some crap they may not completely understand. I hear some democrats getting queasy because … well … frankly … they don’t understand business <oh, I guess I just said the same thing about republicans and democrats>.
Suffice it to say that disrupting the entire economy and global spider web of business concerns a lot of people. What they are doing is not disruption <a term that is being bastardized in this discussion> … they are destroying to create … and that will create disrupt a lot of conventional and existing aspects of what exists today.
Politicians balk at big transformational change … because most real change has negative short term consequences <although, in this case, I could easily see how they could create some short term wins even while destroying the architecture>.
I get concerned that politicians will try to piece meal what actually needs to be complete transformation and focus on individual pieces & parts rather than the whole.
Here is what we have going for us … business people … good ones that is … know how to articulate transformational change well. In addition … if your entire team buys into the transformation you can force it out of sheer will of the team <hence … the politicians need to permit the team and not pick it apart>.
‘In for a penny, in for a pound.’
To do this you gotta go for it and not in half steps or with hesitation. Once you shake the etch-a -ketch you gotta immediately draw the new image.
And even then this is high risk high return.
There is a huge downside because you are fucking with America.
This is playing with America’s role in the world as well as the lives of 330 million people.
That’s the downside if you get it wrong.
Here is what we have going for us … ego, narcissism, lack of moral compass and balls. Trump and his merry band do not blink. And by that I mean, in business, when you decide to embrace change the difference between those who succeed and those who fail is ‘blinking.’
Those who blink, who hesitate, fail.
Those who don’t blink, succeed.
If I am right, it would be difficult to not to feel uncomfortable with these circumstances.
We have the least experienced, least knowledgeable, least factual, least curious presidential candidate in American history preparing to assume responsibility for the country. I find the fact that Trump has no idea what he’s doing truly alarming and concerning and even more concerning is his lack of interest and curiosity with regard to learning what it takes to actually run a country <versus a business> .
He has gathered business people who don’t know shit about politics and government <except how it relates to business> and know a shitload about key business relationships domestically and internationally.
He has balls and an ego.
And I believe I underestimated his balls and ego.
I was thinking tangible proof … Trump airports, Trump monorail, Trump highways, Trump buildings … but I think he is eyeing something bigger.
This is gonna sound strange coming from my mouth <and mind> but as a business person as well as someone who has written several times with regard to Fixing America … I like this thought.
And if he can keep all of his appointees through the vetting system … well … he has a shot at doing it.
Just think about what I wrote.
You have to ignore talk radio, the politicians <both left & right> and the media. They are all talking about real issues & topics … just not the right issues & topics.
He will not fix America but he may fix America’s economy.