“Blaming others is nothing more than excusing yourself.”

The shooter at the Trump rally has now brought on the ‘blame game.’ In the cross hairs of this blame game is the secret service. In the interest of candor, I will say that I have crossed paths with secret service in the past and found them extremely competent and almost anally focused on detail (on everything not just their job). Anyway. Conspiracies, of course, will abound, but let me point out a couple of things:

  • Secret service is a coordinator of security as well as responsible for securing the security of a specific individual. This becomes important to point out because at an event like a rally they are dependent upon local services to implement their security plans. What I mean here is that the secret service should be judged on their security PLAN not just on implementation. Their job is to show the plan to secure a location, and people, with supporting services and insure everyone knows the vulnerabilities and how those vulnerabilities should be monitored. The secret service cannot monitor all vulnerabilities; they can just point them out to people who can.
  • Secret service sniper. I believe the secret service sniper shot the shooter within 10 seconds (maybe 7) of the first shot. This implies the secret service had that vulnerability assessed within their scope of coverage (their plan). The sniper had a direct line to that vulnerability and responded as soon as the danger arose.

Anyway. I am not in the business of defending the secret service, but I absolutely despise the blame game. As a business person I know any business is a “quivering mass of vulnerabilities” and it is inevitable, even with the best planning, that a clever vulnerability will eventually defeat the best laid plans.

Stop the blame game. Its not productive. What would be productive is to stop twats from wanting to kill people.

Written by Bruce