One of my greatest fears is that someone has written my favorite song, but they’re not famous enough for me to hear it.
“As I make a final right-hand turn onto our street, my GPS informs me that I’ve ‘reached my destination.’
‘My destination,’ I laugh aloud to myself. My GPS doesn’t know squat.”
Colleen Hoover
“I’m so scared of dying without ever being really seen. Can you understand? “
David Foster Wallace
“I did something and it was never seen.”
Someone’s grave stone
Pondering my legacy, legacies in general, and 1000’s of posts written on EnlightenedConflict.
10 and 1/2 years.
126 months.
548 weeks.
3833 days.
91,980 hours.
5,519,000 minutes.
Almost 3000 posts.
A little over 4 posts a week for over 10+ years.
3,000,000+ words <a conservative estimate>.
While not every minute, hour, even day, has been spent writing for my site I certainly have thought, and been thinking, over a significant amount of that time – and the fruits of that thinking time has been borne out in piece after piece on this site. My words and thoughts over all that time have remained consistent. On November 18th 2009 I wrote my first Enlightened Conflict post and 6 days later I offered my second post and wrote this:
… it is in my DNA to be “constantly preoccupied with possibilities of new combinations.” Now. That can make me a pain in the ass to work with. One time a mentor, and a manager I loved working for, once said to me, “sometimes you are a pain in the ass, but I am glad you are my pain in the ass.”
And if you visit my LinkedIn site you will see a past client says:

……… Me ………….
If you don’t want to be “nudged” into new ideas and creative solutions – don’t ever call Bruce McTague. If, however, you want to look at things through a different telescope and find 3-dimensional ideas you’ve never considered, call Bruce now. Not tomorrow. He’ll make you uncomfortable, but I firmly believe that if the idea doesn’t make you uneasy, it’s not a big idea. Easy to work with, but always stretching your mind, Bruce is a true business Partner. You’ll grow working with Bruce.
I am still a contrarian, still snarky, still writing about the possibility of new combinations and still a pain in the ass. But with almost everything I write I try and offer pain in the ass type thinking … not fluff. On November 30th 2009 I wrote this: communicating meaningful information so people can make meaningful choices.
I am still not a nudger and I am absolutely unflinchingly focused on communicating meaningful information, thoughts & ideas so people can make meaningful choices and think meaningful thoughts.
Well. All that said. Anyone who has invested this amount of energy into something would make one have a tendency to sit back and wonder what happens if I actually did something in my Life and nobody notices it when I am gone?

And before you think this topic is bullshit or “that’s not something I worry/think about” take a second and think about this.
Why do so many people buy symbolic bricks with names on it on a wall somewhere?
Why do we put stars in the ground with people’s names on it?
Why do we have gravestones and epitaphs?
We do these things because we want people to remember at least something about us. It doesn’t have to be big, but … well … something for god’s sake.
All of that leads me to legacies. Everyone leaves something behind — some footprint.
With me … my largest footprint <at the moment> would be everything I have written. Which makes me slightly wonder what happens to everything on Enlightened Conflict. Does somebody stumble across them and publish some or do they fade way into the nothingness of ‘something done but never seen’? Will someone own my words & thoughts when I am gone?
Anyway. I once wrote that I own my words and thoughts, therefore, in some way I assume they must have some value <at least to me> – maybe just pennies but of some value.
It would be nice to think some of these thoughts get passed around from person to person like pennies – everyone has some, they are often overlooked until needed to complete a transaction and are annoying when you realize you left some in a pocket when you do the laundry. But most importantly I see these pennies being used to create a transaction. In my mind, in this case the transaction is thinking and maybe a purchase against what I see as the true corruption of our age – ignorance.
The corruption of the age is made up by the particular contribution of every individual man; some contribute treachery, others injustice, irreligion, tyranny, avarice, cruelty, according to their power; the weaker sort contribute folly, vanity, and idleness; of these I am one. It seems as if it were the season for vain things, when the hurtful oppress us; in a time when doing ill is common, to do but what signifies nothing is a kind of commendation.
I admit that I believe these types of pennies I offer are becoming more and more valuable. I believe that because I worry that time is currently painting a portrait of disappearing thought in which all who see this portrait are corrupted by what they can no longer see and walk away thinking ignorance is beautiful.
That corruption breeds a sense of everything changing, but in an invisible way. We only see the change in a low level slightly nagging unease & unhappiness. In a way our moral & character health deteriorates despite our relentless pursuit of feeling better through pills, supplements & absurd self improvement plans. Mentally our focus shifts toward what is visible and away from the invisible <that which creates the unease> and we fixate on what we think we know rather than unlearning/revising what we know.
We stop engaging with thought and even engaging with the thoughtful people <the intellectuals — real & faux> because it is just easier.
The sad truth is that we are largely doing all of this corruption to ourselves. Why? Mostly because conflict is necessary to make the invisible visible, but conflict, and making the invisible visible, is hard & sometimes hurtful.
What does this have to do with a legacy?
I could argue that if your thinking is invisible in some way, you run the risk of becoming so invisible that when you leave there remains no footprint to mark your steps in Life.
Ponder that.
Ponder it a little more because I imagine leaving Life as an invisible person has little appeal to anyone. Not that you desire to be the most visible person in the world just that you would prefer knowing that when you were gone who you were just became completely invisible.
Please note that I am not tying visible to any success, but rather tying it to thinking or some thought/idea <although I imagine it could be tied to ‘doing something that may truly matter’ in terms of impact on other’s thinking/actions>.
And, while I am talking about the legacy I personally want to leave behind, I would imagine this thought bleeds into almost everyone’s Life. Yeah, in this case, I don’t think I am different than most people. We all would prefer to not be corrupted by ignorance and we would prefer to want to ‘do something’ and, preferably, something dynamic beyond our own purposes.
“[My ultimate goal is] to leave this world a better person, and for me to not be the only one who knows it.”
Gavin DeGraw
Ah. But the idea of being dynamic beyond your own purposes is fraught with peril.
It means dreaming big. Okay. It means thinking big <and, yes, I do believe far too often we aim too small and too low>.
As for me and my thinking big? I want to attack ignorance as if it is the enemy and, looking back, the majority
of my writing have relentlessly unflinchingly, never nudging, attacked ignorance. I have done so using the idea of Enlightened Conflict as a North Star.
I believe conflict of thoughts is healthy and believe vocalizing the conflict is necessary for progress. I believe Conflict is natural and will always exist – between countries, religious beliefs, ideologies, the haves and the have nots, etc. I believe with my writing I have a unique opportunity to insure conflict of thinking can be managed to some extent by encouraging positive conflict or enabling conflict with rules.
I debate with people, I write about thinking, I defend our youth, I rant about the old way of thinking, and while I like to avoid “us versus them” narratives as lazy, in recent history, I have found a muse in Donald J Trump <in fact … my 2101st post was a Trump business lesson>.
Trump has offered me the opportunity to have a living breathing example of almost everything I detest in business leadership, business acumen and how a business shouldn’t be run. I do not detest him as a person <I don’t know him> I just detest how he conducts himself as a leader and a business person. He has reminded me that passion can inspire thinking and writing and reminds me that business sometimes needs to stop nudging and be more demanding of what is right & good.
In the end all I want is some enlightened thinking and new ways of looking at things and sometimes it is useful to use someone or something as a foil to make a comparative. This style and way of thinking has proven to be a good timeless way of approaching things because should you view a post in my first 100 you would find it is still relevant and will still contain thoughts you may find scattered in my last 100 posts.
Anyway. One last thought on legacies — compromising. I still worry about compromising.
I know I have some fear that compromising has left far too many people numb to life or maybe just numb to their dreams. Or maybe more specifically numb to ‘doing something that matters’ and, certainly, numb to thinking and new thoughts.
I still worry about me compromising. And maybe I fear that numbness if I end up compromising. I kind of think this is a legitimate fear.
I, as everyone else, certainly want to be happy. Live. And love. And be loved. Read. Travel. See things. Meet people. Meet more people. And learn. And unlearn. And learn some more. Nowhere in there do I see compromise I only see doing shit. And, in my eyes, nor do I see any ‘nudging’, but rather unflinching doing. Yes. Doing something unflinchingly.
Because doing something unflinchingly that can leave the world a better place? Whew.

I gotta tell ya, if you even have a glimmer of hope of getting to do something big — something really big … something that matters in a big way, something that someone would recognize someday as a legacy idea — well, I don’t know. It kind of seems like you have to go for it – uncompromisingly and unflinchingly.
I have to think that if am going to lose, I want to know I lost doing something and not losing because I compromised in some way.
That said. I don’t want to be known for writing 3000 posts, or however many I end up writing, I would like to have a legacy suggesting I did something that mattered <and someone could point to what that something was>.
In the end.
I have done lots of thinking and done lots of writing and I very rarely have duplicated a thought, I have never run out of new quotes to share and I have never had “writer’s block” or not had something to write and, yet, I have consistently pounded on stupid & senseless business acumen and the misguided tripe & fortune cookie wisdom people are fed with regard to Life.
That sounds big and, yet, small at the same time. I have to imagine whether someone has written as much as I or not most people will find that they have done something that sounds big but may look small in the harsh light of reality. The only way I know to build a meaningful legacy <making what may appear small big> is to do what I do – do a lot and not nudge and be absolutely unflinchingly focused on communicating meaningful information, thoughts & ideas so people can make meaningful choices and think meaningful thoughts. And, yet, sure … I still do wonder what will happen to everything I have written because at the moment they are my legacy. I imagine I am not alone in thinking that “I did something and it was never seen” on my headstone isn’t really what anyone wants.
For now all I can do is insure that I do something meaningful in a ‘non-nudging way’ and hope it gets noticed.

About the author:
Bruce McTague is probably considered a sometimes irascible pragmatic contrarian. At the same time he is most likely considered a naïve believer in the inherent good in people and believer in the value of Hope as an engine for real progress.
He has been called cynical and optimistic.
And because of all of that he believes Life, just as people, are a complex bundle of contradictions therefore simplicity is often a refuge of fools.
He believes there is no problem or conflict that cannot be solved if people are willing to listen, face harsh truths and make the hard decisions. He also believes that the world would be a much better place if everyone would spend just a little more time unlearning what they have learned, think a little bit more and that we would all benefit if we became better at articulating our thoughts.
Lastly, in the end, he believes that everyone everywhere deserves to have hope.
“I don’t want to be remembered.
Memories age and you might remember words I whispered in your car but you’ll forget how my voice made your name sound safe. You will faintly remember that there was once warmth in my touch but the skin on your chest where my hands made a home is cold now.
Time will steal all the sharp edges that made it seem real. Years will rob you blind and you’ll simply be living with my blurry ghost.
That’s worse than being forgotten, so confuse me with another girl in a coffee shop and change my name in future stories. Walk down memory lane and unlock the exit.
Ignore the ghost that packs up the memories and leaves and do me one last favor; shut the door behind me. “