The making of Joy
“Moments are the elements of profit.”
“Simple existence is in itself a source of rejoicing.”
Clement Rosset
Joy in life. While Marx was speaking of industry, the same is true of life and, yes, joy. Moments are the elements of what one will find profitable in life – learning, experiences, connections, and joy. That said. I read somewhere that pleasure is always derived from something outside you, whereas joy arises from within (extrinsic versus intrinsic). Therefore, in seeking a substitute for joy, the mind will seek salvation or fulfillment through some external stimulation. Therein lies the root of people seeking to define themselves through disasters. It is a warped way to find pleasure, and it certainly does not make joy. Here is the good news. We can save them if you understand the joy and pleasure equation and its relationship with time and space.
Space and time are basic categories of human existence and experience. Yet we debate their meanings, tend to take them for granted and give them silly common-sense definitions or contextual explanations. We record the passage of time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries, and eras, as if everything has its place upon a single objective linear timescale. Unfortunately, the time horizon attached to any decision materially affects the kind of decision we make. In addition, time – even on a long horizon – has a relationship to its, well, relationship with the space that time encounters. What I mean by that is nothing is of value in itself; everything is valuable just in the ratio of its adaptability for service to the greater whole. Goodness implies some sense of usefulness in connection with others and the system. The endeavor to define the service of the successive parts leads us to a point of keener discrimination in analysis. Ultimately, analysis then becomes instinctive as a basis of interpretation of reality. No longer fulfilled with revealing a succession of appealing pieces & parts, we inevitably seek to reflect the use of every part in its relation to the greater whole. What this means is that mentally when we are involved with the whole more so than the parts, i.e., the whole space and time and not just the smaller moment, and we begin to find some joy in the understanding. It is within that understanding that we begin to see that every part contributes to the greater whole. More importantly, once we understand this, we gain power to create the narratives to impact what others could imagine (beyond disasters and dystopia). Imagination feeds joy because it is there where we begin to envision more positive landscapes and horizons. In addition, it creates scenarios in which we see the relation of values, and what is valued. And, in fact, the growth of our own mind creates a desire to reveal to everyone else the different values captured within a better vision. In other words, we share imaginative joy with the objective of creating joy in thinking. When done well we point out scenarios of, well, infinite value, not finite value (like material possessions). Joy is partially discovered bey distinguishing between non-essentials and the worthwhile things that make life significant. I can’t remember who said it, but necessity is the criterion of beauty.
Which leads me to suggest necessity also needs some context.
With the growing perception of comparative value, we learn that the truth within narratives leading to joy (of anything) lies not in one thing or another, but in the subtle relation of things. This means that the aim of joy is actually to reveal the truth found between the lines rather than in them. This often means that joy often relies on subtlety and nuance, and not some declarative things. To be clear, this is not some idealistic mumbo jumbo, in fact, I would suggest that idealism is not opposed to realism, it is the natural extension of realism. Idealism grows out of realism; it is actually born of the despair of the realist (or the joyless). And maybe that is part of the challenge in the making of joy. There are things which just cannot be said in words. If we understand this, we will lean in on our imagination to inspire the imagination of others. And maybe that is the truth of joy. And while there is no ‘law of truth,’ I will suggest the pursuit of truth and the desire to live by it is actually the pursuit of joy.
Maybe joy is partially found in understanding that to know one fact is to know, and understand, it’s tribe of facts.
Maybe joy is partially understanding that a person of imagination lives the life of many people and many futures.
Maybe joy is partially an understanding living, and life, is of the past, the present, and the future.
Maybe joy is partially found within imagination, which offers progress instead of disaster.
Maybe joy is found within simple existence (if you look hard enough).
I don’t really know, but I do know more people should be making joy. Ponder.
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