is this what people mean when they say drones
“I think that’s why you’re not president … and that’s a good thing.” – Obama to Zach
<”I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t have something to plug” – Obama on Between 2 Ferns>
This was very funny. Seriously funny.
“Community organizer” Barack Obama appeared on Zach Galifianakis’ web series Between Two Ferns.
In the six and a half minute interview Galifianakis asked Obama questions <about being “the last black president”, his birth certificate and Dennis Rodman’s trips to North Korea – “I read somewhere you would be sending Hulk Hogan to Syria – or is that more of a job for Tonya Harding?” > and traded humorous verbal harpoons with the president <getting as well as giving>.
I know the president has lots of on-camera & public speaking experience … but funny is funny … and you can’t practice this sort of thing. You either have that kind of sarcastic dry wit or you don’t.
The president of the USA seems to have it.
Obama did Between Two Ferns to plug Obamacare and it is serious … and funny <that is where Zach comments about ‘drones’ as Obama drones on about affordable healthcare>.
Zach Galifianakis is known for the Hangover movies but his “Between Two Ferns” videos are spectacular.
It’s a little over 6 minutes … but a good 6 minutes.
Between 2 Ferns <Obama>:
Well played President Obama.
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