its not hard to be stupid
“how could you be so stupid?”
well you know what. its really not that hard
“Stupidity is a force unto itself.”
To be clear. Stupidity has a gravity, and velocity, greater than intelligence. This occurs mostly because stupidity does not eliminate the fact one can be successful, or have a success, and if that is so, much of success may have stupidity lurking within. I purposefully use ‘lurk’ because stupidity can be stealthy. In fact, it often cloaks itself in ‘intuition’ and ‘common sense.’ Both of which are empirically proven to be highly useless if you seek to make the best decision or even if you seek to be rational. Most people ignore that truth, lean in on their intuition and common sense, and find some dubious reassurance that they did the right thing.
“As humans, we tend to search for reassurance in all the wrong places.”
Anyway. We have always had the ability to be easily stupid, but I think the world has made it easier to be stupid. What I mean by that is if you view the world superficially, or skim on the surface of things, because you cannot discern the important from the unimportant in the onslaught of shit around you, well, the odds of you being stupid increases. And the penalties for stupidity become a bit less discernible too. Uhm. Despite the fact the penalties for being stupid can be fairly extreme. But circling back to feeling like the penalties do not exists, why? Well. For the most part we have unimaginable opportunities, freedoms and privileges – which we take for granted. Not too long ago (maybe a century) a stupid person had none of those things and the penalties for stupidity were pretty harsh – socially, hierarchical, economically. For the most part we have unimaginable life-conditions, i.e., shorter work hours, vacations, health system support, unemployment benefits and an abundance of affordable goods & services. The penalties for our stupidity have a safety net. That doesn’t mean you can’t slip through the net and completely squash yourself 30 floors below, but mostly your stupidity will only cause you to fall a couple floors AND get caught up in the net. Uncomfortable, but no squashed. And maybe that’s my point. The world is a safer place which makes it hard to not do stupid things. In fact, well, its easier to be stupid than ever. Ponder.
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