being an explorer
How to be an explorer.
Not everyone likes actually being an explorer … well … but almost everyone likes the thought of being an explorer.
That said.
Everything is interesting.
This is one of the most underrated thoughts in the world.
I hear so many people say ‘that doesn’t interest me.’
Or … in the work world … ‘I couldn’t work on that. It doesn’t interest me.’
In my little wacky corner of the world and how I view things … everything and everyone has something interesting to be heard.
Or explored.
I always told people in my groups at work when we started working on a clients business to find the employee within the organization who has been there the longest, the most loyal, the most <whatever> of the organization. I didn’t care if it was someone in accounting or the mailroom or in administrative work. Find someone who loves the company they work at. I don’t care if it is an actuarial (which I would slit my own wrists before working as one) or plumber or hardware inventory clerk.
How can you not find something interesting within someone who has that kind of passion for what they do?
Interestingly (at least to me) this thought pertains to anything in life. Everything has at last one person who finds it everything to them. Yeah. They may be a little weird about it if it is TOO everything to them, but, maybe it is worth looking just a little closer to see what they see.
You may never ‘get it’ 100% … but there may be a part you have never seen before.
And seeing something new? Well. That’s what it is all about, isn’t it?
#3 is my favorite but whoever created this list did a fine job showing what it takes to be an explorer (everything on this list).
Bottom line.
Being an explorer means understanding everyone and everything has a story to tell.
Being an explorer means paying attention for that story.
Being an explorer means being modest enough to recognize you don’t know it all. In fact you recognize you know maybe 1% of everything there is to know.
In my eyes … I guess to truly enjoy life to its fullest … you should be an explorer.
And now you have an awesome “how to” guide.
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