separate but one
“… be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress.”
Booker Washington
I am going to take this awesome quote and talk about two things: business and personal.
Whenever anyone asks me about “integration” or autonomy within an organization this is the quote I use.
As a business leaders we incessantly talk of “staying on strategy” or “meeting objectives”.
Because there is so much everyday other shit going on you worry about losing control.
Simplistically, you have one of two choices.
Leverage off of something <strategy> or aim for something <objective>.
That’s it.
That’s your choices.
Let’s call it vectoring for success. Okay. Let’s not.
And you have to choose because today everyone is “integrating.” What I mean is everybody is seeking to implement a shitload of tactics in a shitload of different vehicles <and methods> and it can all go to shit really really fast.
In addition … any organization of any size and process/output bandwidth will have some conflict. It is a natural aspect when you put a bunch of different people together <let’s assume you cannot clone for this discussion>.
That said.
So you are on your ‘vector.’
You have one of two choices <in general>.
Create chemistry through conflict management <think dictator insuring all the fingers stay on one hand or they get chopped off if they start flipping you off>.
Call it a ‘benevolent dictatorship’ or just call it ‘having an egotistical maniacal leader’ … whatever you want. They don’t just set the course … they dictate, demand and set up guidelines that destroy any real autonomy.
This hand can punch a bunch of people along the way but just as a boxer ages over time your career as a conflict hand organization will wear out in a relatively short time.
And then there is naturally grown organizational chemistry.
These are ‘hands’ that face conflict with chemistry.
This an organization that creates a culture that thrives on that vector. <whenever I type that word I want to ask “what’s your vector? Victor” … anyway …>.
This vector is a little scary because it contains that evil word “decentralization.”
Uh oh.
Great organizational chemistry almost always has a thread of some autonomy. But great organizational chemistry embodies the quote also. Autonomy aligned in one fist, handshake, salute or wave.
But if you like the quote you know which way to go now.
Whenever someone asks me about what makes a great relationship this is the quote I use.
I believe being one while remaining two is the greatest thing that can ever happen in any relationship.
‘To be one, yet remain two’ is the way I believe I have heard it said before. But Booker says it better.
I would imagine this means a balance between independence and dependence.
Being dependent isn’t a bad thing on occasion. In individual moments we all need someone.
If we don’t … well… I would argue you aren’t human.
But having some independence keeps the partnership healthy and growing. And actually keeps the “ones” stronger as ‘ones’ so when they become ‘two’ they actually have strength far beyond the numbers <I am fairly sure Pythagoras proved this in his third marriage>.
I imagine that last thought leads me to my real point.
Any combination of independence and dependence is powerful. People like vision and hope and dreams. And they, frankly, will gladly be dependent upon another person who can clearly paint a picture in which they could see themselves someday standing in.
But this ‘dependence’ comes with a responsibility. The responsibility to encourage some autonomy, and independence, to enhance individual growth.
Therein lies a Life <and business> truth.
Individual growth does not guarantee happiness. It can enhance but not guarantee. However. Combine individual growth with organizational <or some derivative of ‘companions on the path’> happiness and … well … that combination creates sch a high level of personal satisfaction it is difficult to attain without the independence/dependence relationship.
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