right versus left and an american government all star team
“The American is a new man, who acts upon new principles; he must therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions. Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labours and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world. An immigrant when he first arrives no sooner breathes our air than he forms new schemes, and embarks in designs he never would have thought of in his own country.
He begins to feel the effects of a sort of resurrection; hitherto he had not lived, but simply vegetated; he now feels himself a man. Judge what an alteration there must arise in the mind and thoughts of this man; his heart involuntarily swells and glows; this first swell inspires him with those new thoughts which constitute an American.”
Hector St. John De Crevecoeur
“In politics, absurdity is not a handicap.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
I am sure everyone reading today will slot me as <a> a liberal, <b> a conservative or <c> simply out of my mind <and, yes, I have no doubt after I post this I will get a variety of notes which will make me all of them>. But. Above all I hope I get labeled a dreamer of what can be done.
I have been watching the American presidential debates <albeit they really are not debates … more like odd question & answer scenarios>. And then I have been reading who has been a ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ and, well, depending on which side you stand everyone on the other side is just a plain loser no matter what they say or think.
And, yes, with the intent to try and break through the general cacophony of limited difference blathering there have been a variety of loser type soundbites.
We shouldn’t be fooled by the stupid foolish soundbites.
There are a shitload of really good thinkers and ideas. Within both party lines.
I find myself nodding in agreement <after wincing at something else> throughout both Republican and Democrat debates.
Interestingly … I would suggest that simply labeling democrat and republican is cheating the candidate’s ideas.
I found a wonderful discussion on this topic on slide share which clearly showcases the shifting lines within ideologies <yet the overall labels have not shifted>.
All I ask of my readers today is to finish what I have written before you judge … do not stop simply because you do not like the first thing you read as I offer an all star American Government line up to lead the country.
You will purposefully see my belief in enlightened conflict portrayed in the idea.
I have purposefully, and hopefully, constructed a conflict strewn governmental structure believing that positive friction between smart, thoughtful people can arrive at smart thoughtful solutions.
I have purposefully put together a governmental team who not only have the same intention – a better America – but also a group aligned on ‘doing’ & taking action rather than simple rhetoric.
I have purposefully put together loud voices with strong opinions and conflict of ideas who appear to be able to navigate the ‘discussion, debate, decide’ path to success.
I am only going to use candidates in the current USA presidential race <unless I have some spark of brilliance on another person>and outline what role I believe everyone can play in 2016 Presidential capacity & cabinet.
Reminder … the Cabinet’s role is to advise the President on any subject relating to the duties of each member’s respective office.
The Cabinet includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments — the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Attorney General.
<by the way … I personally would disband Homeland Security – privatize and have FBI/NSA assume responsibilities – and disband FEMA … and possibly disband HUD <Housing Urban Development> .
Mostly because I have drawn up a scenario in which I have ignored party lines and have suggested , maybe unrealistically, that everyone ignore the general hatred and putrid mindless thinking spewing forth from both sides and supporters … I just want to encourage people to think about it a little. You will love parts, hate parts … but … it is offered so the country does, loves and hopes.
Here we go.
Hilary Clinton as president.
Yes. I do believe she is most qualified to be president.
If you strip away all the personal attacks on character and random political crap … no other candidate has combined qualifications, brains and … well … look & behave & have the demeanor of a president. Lots of good & great words & thoughts come from a variety of candidates but she is the package. And, frankly, I think she would be a kick ass leader.
<side note: let me tell you how Hilary wins with ease – and I may vote for her if she actually did this – … someone needs to lean over and whisper in her ear …
<1> you need to lead … which means no more diminishing other ideas and other people … just show respect from here on out … and honestly mean the respect <do not do his unless you really believe it>…
… which …
<2> means you need to get in from of the biggest microphone you can find, and tweet immediately afterwards, you have the utmost respect for Bernie Sanders and he is not sexist and he is not a communist … he is a man with a big heart, great intentions and excellent progressive ideas … I may not agree with him on how to achieve our progressive ends … but I respect him & his ideas … – this gets her Sanders voters when she wins nomination …
… then …
<3> you need to go on record publicly … ‘about the republican candidates … I do not hate them … I watch their debates and I respect their passion, their intent and their smart thinking and smart ideas … I may not agree with some things they say and some ideas they have but I do not ever doubt their intentions for a great America nor do I doubt their smartness’ <except for Trump who is a blowhard and has no idea what it takes to actually run a country>.
Vice President. Marco Rubio
<I know it will most likely be O’Malley but this is my world>.
Smart, gifted speaker, charismatic and has good ideas and seems to have a true desire for good change <not just change>. And I actually believe he will make a great president one day. I tend to believe he could do some of the things he believes in and lead in this position … but being able to see what it really takes to be a president I believe would temper some of the more abstract aspects he currently has.
<I don’t know what this position is>. National Budget – Sanders, Cruz, Kasich.
I would appoint Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz and John Kasich to design the national budget and maybe not balance it but create something sustainable, right sized and with short & long term incorporated. Between the three of them you have social consciousness, private enterprise and a reality based budget builder/crafter.
I know this is a cage match in waiting but frankly we need the cage match with no one side winning but America winning.
Attorney General is Chris Christie.
A lawyer <and past attorney general I think>. I agree with Christie … the government should not be in the business of deciding who goes to jail and who doesn’t. We need a boisterous bulldog to champion justice. Just to be clear … I think the job itself with its awesome responsibilities will bring out an aspect of Christie which will temper some of the bluster, without losing the bulldog,
Secretary of Commerce .. TBD … but … let’s say a past President/Chairman of National Franchise Organization.
As a reminder … this is what the Commerce Dept does: The mission of the Department is to create the conditions for economic growth and opportunity … the Secretary of Commerce serves as the voice of U.S. business within the President’s Cabinet. The Department works with businesses, universities, communities, and the Nation’s workers to promote job creation, economic growth, sustainable development, and improved standards of living for Americans.
I really really want to put Trump here. But I cannot envision him ever being a team player.
Therefore … I will throw out a name for you but it doesn’t have to be him – Jim Amos … past CEO of Mailboxes.etc. and past Chairman of the National Franchise Organization. Basically I want to recruit someone who has been president/chairman of the National Franchise Organization. It is frankly the only type of business which can reflect large global corporate and small local business.
The next three, Defense, secretary of state & Veteran Affairs are purposefully put together. Two hawks <Defense & Veteran Affairs> and a ‘diplomacy first’ focused team – all with a strong desire for protecting the best interests of America and Americans <both those who serve & those who do not>.
Department of Defense. Lindsay Graham.
I have no clue how this guy is being overlooked. Hawkish in nature more importantly he speaks truth and with no bullshit.
Second. I don’t agree with all of his thoughts on military but he would be an honest advocate for what is right and balances out the discussion with candor with regard to military and military decisions.
Secretary of State. Rep. Keith Ellison <with Fareed Zakaria as deputy secretary>
Ellison. The first Muslim elected to Congress and the first black congressman from Minnesota. Experts seemed to consider him as a long shot choice when Kerry was selected. Zakaria is the key here. While I would be delighted with him as secretary of state I envision a Clinton administration would seek to implement foreign policy doctrine rather than seek to have a Secretary of State help dictate policy … but he is a smart sonuvabitch and I believe he is this generation’s Albright/Kissinger/Christopher.
Secretary of Veteran Affairs. Jim Webb.
Smart smart man. Crappy crappy politician.
With Graham at Defense and Webb at Affairs American military & military people will receive the appropriate hawk care as well as the brain power to tear apart an essential government responsibility that has become bloated and inefficient & ineffective.
Secretary of Treasury is Bob Corker <now chairman of the senate foreign relations committee>.
He was on the Banking Committee <known for his no-nonsense, tough questioning of witnesses during the auto industry bailout and 2008 financial crisis.> A bipartisan bill he coauthored in 2013 has been called the “blueprint” for how our nation’s housing finance system should look in the future.
This one was too far a stretch for me to suggest … I actually would love Paul Ryan here.
Other notes.
I also would love Biden to run for a seat in the House of Representatives when his VP term is done <John Quincy Adams actually went back into the House of Representatives AFTER he was president> and become a leader in the House.
And I would love Kerry to run for a seat in the Senate after his secretary of state term is over.
Those are my thoughts.
Mix of republicans and democrats with a mix of ideological pursuits. Let’s call it my Government All Star team.
Don’t we want the best minds with the best thoughts all with the same intention <do what is best for the country> implementing the best stuff for the country?
Which leads me to close with this thought.
You wanna know how you can get to a place mentally to wrap your head around intertwining ideologies in a government?
Read the following.
If maybe we can all do what the letter suggests we could all wrap our heads around what is best for America.
Rocker Andrew W.K. writes a weekly advice column for The Village Voice.
This one gives us all great advice, regardless of our political views.
Hi Andrew,
I’m writing because I just can’t deal with my father anymore. He’s a 65-year-old super right-wing conservative who has basically turned into a total (expletive) intent on ruining our relationship and our planet with his politics.
I’m more or less a liberal democrat with very progressive values and I know that people like my dad are going to destroy us all. … How do I explain to him that his politics are turning him into a monster, destroying the environment, and pushing away the people who care about him?
Dear Son of A Right-Winger,
Go back and read the opening sentences of your letter. Read them again. Then read the rest of your letter. Then read it again. Try to find a single instance where you referred to your dad as a human being, a person, or a man. There isn’t one. You’ve reduced your father — the person who created you — to a set of beliefs and political views and how it relates to you.
The world isn’t being destroyed by democrats or republicans, red or blue, liberal or conservative, religious or atheist — the world is being destroyed by one side believing the other side is destroying the world.
The world is being hurt and damaged by one group of people believing they’re truly better people than the others who think differently.
The world officially ends when we let our beliefs conquer love. We must not let this happen.
I think countries need all star teams leading them … not just an all star.
Is what I suggested realistic? Certainly not in today’s world.
Is it what we need ? You bet.
Just remember while htis thought I shared today is … well … crazy … yet … inspires him with those new thoughts which constitute an American.
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