hanging on or letting go
When is saw this illustration I was fascinated with the different interpretations.
Is it fear of flying?
Is it fear of control?
Is it just the fear of letting go (any way you look at it)?
Is it letting go of the kite and giving that up.
Or is letting go of what is holding you to the ground.
I love this little illustration.
Life is just like that kite.
Everyone gets one (at least one) in life. You either decide to fly it, fly with it or let it go at some point.
Regardless of your personal choice my only wish is we make sure every child has a kite and learns to fly a kite.
For they need to know that it is okay to fly.
a fool’s errand, a full life, a generalist specialist, a human defect or a flaw, a promise, a severe shortcoming, a thought on thought, ability to captivate, ability to deal with the trials and strength of character, ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time, absolving yourself of worldly desires, accept everything that comes with it, Accept the responsibility, accountable decision making, accountable for ourselves, acting ethically, acting like a leader, action and consequences, actions reflect on your character, actions today make who i am tomorrow, advertising is not moral or immoral, advice for not let go, affect attitudes & perceptions, affecting organization thru actions, affecting people's conflict behavior, africa economy, agency, aiming high, aligning generational attitude and technology and consumer trends, aligning perceptions and behavior creates satisfaction, alignment, all businesses have this responsibility, almost overwhelming responsibility, america repairing it's faults, America's character, American foreign policy Syria, America’s affordable healthcare act sign up, an unsinkable shark, analysis paralysis, analyzing actual behavior, angry that we are not accepting the responsibility, another business truth, Any time you can own a contradiction you are more interesting, anything that can go wrong will, approach it with truth in hand, architects of fate, arouse people to action, ask questions, astonish people, at some point you are accountable, ate & breathed sports, attacking doubt, attaining levles of good, attitudes, attitudes and behavior, autonomy, averting chaos, avoid the gray, balance mindfulness and profitability, Balloons are designed to teach, Balloons are designed to teach small children this, basketball, be open to ideas, be open to new ideas, be who you are, Becoming knowledgeable, behavior, behavior in new economic world, behavior management business, being a consultant, being able to find a tv and watch some college sports, being accountable, being an enlightened thinker, being as good as you can be, being better people, being challenged, being distinct, being enlightened, being honest to yourself, being interesting and relevant, being soft in business, believe, believe it is the right thing to do, bell curve, better than every other country, better tribute to a man, big mistake big succcesses, big mistakes, bigger more talented teams, Bill Bernbach, Bill Bernbach is a well-known and respected name, biting his towel while patrolling the sidelines, black or white, bolt on attitudes, brand, brand ambassadors, brand relationships, brand relationships don't form in a vacuum, branding, branding could be a snare and a delusion, brands & branding, Brands allow us to choose, breaking life decisions down, breeds an aspect of complacency, bring in consultants for the wrong reasons, bring out the best in a team, broadcast, builders versus renovators, building a culture, building character, building teams, built for shareholder value, built talented teams as flamboyant as the city, bull in a china shop living, burden of non deceitful messaging, business, business and soul, business consultants, business ethics, Business ethics and money is a very complex topic, business is messy, business management, business management and ethics, business responsibility, business responsibility to shaping society, business strategic strength, Business Thoughts, businesses are not wired to match the talk, but how about, buy as soon as possible, by soul I mean your inner value compass, called the gps for the soul, can make choices, can someone really give 110%, can you train for the right thing to do, capacity of the human mind, capitalism & advertising, capitalism and morals, capitalism communism, Capitalism is not morally corrupt, capture our minds in the interest, cared about sports, cause and effect, certainly times to know when to not let go, change begins in the head, change forces prioritizing, change is easier if you simplify, change takes remarkable effort, changed behavior, changing attitude, changing objectives to make change, changing point of views, chaos, chaos control methods, chaos creates opportunities, character, character and sports, charming cities in europe, chicken or egg, china economy, choice between alternatives, choice by numbers, choice cannot be made with statistics alone, choice is an acquired intuition thing, choices, choices leading to full life, choices we make or do not make, choosing to be true, choosing which devil you are going to dance, clarity of ideological thinking, clash of opinions, clear lines with regard to personal business ethics, Coach Tark, Coach Tark my father, coached over their true ability, coaches have figured out how to juggle, coaching the Running Rebels, code for doing the right thing, collaboration, collector of moments, college, college basketball is unrivaled, college basketball may be an acquired taste, coming up with solutions, committed to showing up everyday, commodity or idea, communicating being innovative, communication, communicators have a higher responsibility, communism embracing capitalism, communism in the 1900s, community individualism, company of adventurers, complex simplified, complicated at this level, concept of chaos, confides a senior management consultant, conflict and people, conscientious stupidity, conscious and intelligent manipulation, consensus, consequently a vast and continuous effort, consistency, consistency is underrated, consistency of character, consistency of character is underrated, consistency of values, constantly seeking truth, constituents who affect attitudes, Consultants are the furthest thing from stupid, consultants can be crap, Consultants need to act like the pilots of the ship, consulting, consumer attitudes, consumer buying system, consumers are complicated, content dissemination trends, content matching value proposition, contradictions, contradictions are smart, contribute to society, controlled chaos, conversations, convincing people to buy shit they don't need, corporate values, could jump from here to Pluto, countries can make change, country geography, country mortality, courage and faith, courage doesn't always roar, courage is about resiliency, cowardly decision making, created truths, creating a Me generation, creating better citizens, creating interest, creating positive touchpoints, creating the next generation of thinkers, creating the next generation of thinkers using the web, creation means destroying something, creative destruction and the financial crisis, creativity, creativity in economic thinking, creativity process, credibility, crisis creates a new generation of leaders, crowd clout, crowds providing unsolicited feedback, crushed by doubt, cult of ignorance, cult of ignorance (and I am scared), cultivating behavior and attitudes, cultural shifts between generations, cumbersome rules for procurement, curiosity is good, curiosity is the enemy of ignorance, currently coaching, cynicism, Damned if you, Damned if you don’t, days of thunder and chaos, dealing with adversity, dealing with everyday life, dealing with extenuating experiences, death is a forever nap, death of salvation by society, deceiving others, deceiving yourself, deciding what to do, decision making, decision making under uncertainty, decision utility, decisions helped the business, deep need to tell the truth in business, defining happiness in moments, democracy, democracy in america, democracy struggles, democratic uprisings, depravity of capitalism, depression versus recession, depth of character to face everyday life, designing perfect systems, desire everything at the same time, desire for democracy, desired, destroying the personal baggage you carry, determining what you want to do, developing cross cultural skills, developing minds of next generation of thinkers, developing social and emotional competencies, dialogue, did on a business ethics scale, did we do enough to show we have a soul?, differentiation, difficult to discern good guys from bad guys, difficult to know everything, difficult to manage expectations, dilemma, directive to create inspiring truthful meaningful messaging, disappointment created by expectations, disappointment in yourself, discerning the difference between attitude and behavior, discipline but freedom, disciplined chaos, discovery, discovery is messy, discussing affairs and issues around the world, discussing issues around the world never goes out of style, diver vanishes at one end of the chain, diversity of measures, do not fear the event, do not go gentle, do not go quietly, do this or die, do this or die Bernbach, do what is right, do whatever you need to do, doing nothing, Doing nothing means you lose, doing the right thing, doing the right thing is hard, doing what is right versus what is wrong, don't worry about people stealing an idea, double speak, double speak is bullshit, doubt, doubt resides between certainty and uncertainty, doubt something, doubt something once unquestionable, doubts of words, dreaming is not just for kids, driving economic growth, drucker and salvation, drucker new realities, dull truth will not be looked at, dynamic beyond our own purposes, easier to be lazy thinker, easier to quit, easier to sit with those who share your opinion, economic center of gravity, economic inequality, economic life would, economic life would become hopelessly jammed, economy, editorial on plain packaging, educating using the net, education to enlighten, ee cummings, effect of recession, effective communication, effective teaching globally, elections, embellishment, embrace curiosity, embracing change, embracing failure, embracing its comprehensiveness, emotions, employees, empty of worldly desires, emptying your soul or filling your soul, encouraging, encouraging curiosity, encouraging understanding of choices, energy, enlighten the people, enlightened, enlightened business, enlightened business people, enlightened business thinking, enlightened business truth, enlightened communications, enlightened conflict, enlightened curiosity, enlightened decisions, enlightened democracy, enlightened government, enlightened ideas, enlightened learning, enlightened listening, enlightened people, enlightened reading, enlightened sports, enlightened sports thinking, enlightened thinking, enlightened value, enlightening reading, enlightenment is a tough issue, esponsibility to do and say the right thing, ethical advertising, ethical communications, ethics and money are inextricably linked in business, ethics can be subjective, ethics seems like a black & white discussion, euro in ukraine, even marketing & advertising behavior, even people, events are meant to be commanded not feared, every minute is another chance, every moment counts, every one is an architect of life, every one plays a role in fate, every person judges on their own, everybody buys the best and cheapest commodities, everyone else is doing it, everyone is a leader, Everyone likes ideas that make you think, everything is evolving, evil in marketing, excellence in brevity, except change, experiences, explanation for a paradox, exploration not ROI, extraordinary cruel logic, fabricate unimportant truths, face conflict, facebook, facing overwhelming responsibilities, facts and truth, failure is a reflection of a flaw, failure of imagination, faith in oneself, fall back on old opinions, fantastic coach, far too much emphasis on profit, Favorite Quotes, fear, fear of choices, fear of not maintaining the relationship, fear saps energy, fear telling the truth, fearlessness, few words, fight the hardest battle to be yourself, fight the urge to join a cult of ignorance, fighting ignorance, figure of speech by which a locution produces, finagle, finagle's law, financial crisis is cyclical, financial interests, finding the right words to say, finding what is possible from impossible, finding your way is tough, fixing broken people is tricky, flame inside, flexible management, flying, focused on a relentless defense, follow the truth, following a trend, foreign policy, freedom of, freedom of choice, friends, fun to see them playing smart basketball, gain some new identity aspects, general public's attention, generalist, generating ideas, generation of measurement, generational attitudes, generational ideation, generations changing behavior, geopolitical wars, get paid for the solution not the process, geting thru chaos unscathed, getting a grip on life, getting a new start means destroying some old things, getting kicked in the gut, getting kicked in the gut by questioning, give consumers a choice, global affairs, global collaboration, global economic superiority, Global generation, global respect, global unrest, Go to Heaven for the climate Hell for the company, gobs of poor management skills, golden age of coaches, golden age of coaches and an unsinkable shark, good consultant bad consultant everywhere a consultant, good decisions for the health & profitability of the business, good people, good people doing nothing, government, government imbalance, government leadership, government turmoil, great coaches make talent focus when it counts, great manifestos, greatest danger is aiming too low, grivna, groups, growing up is tough, guiding organizations, guilt and obligation, guy can coach, guy can coach and bring out the best in a team, happiness, hard business decisions, hard choices, hard decisions, have and have nots, haves, haves versus have-nots, having a personal defect, having it all simply isn't enough, having moral and ethical substance, having multiple processes, he was a rebel himself, healthcaregov and project management, heightening value in life choices, helped the business be competitive, Her bottom line is money, here is what i would do, hiding behind statistics, history, honorable, hope, how about this, how about we do this, how far someone is willing to go to sell, HOW you do things impacts society, human nature and plans, i am fine, i am fine is the biggest lie, I am not anti-consultant, I am too fearless, I began to tell the truth, I fail, i like numbers, I think opinions, I wanted their hands sweating, I wanted to hold on, I was ready to let go, I was ready to let go and wanted to hold on, I will miss him every day of my life, I would suck at being a consultant, idea of doing the right thing, idea of owning a contradiction, ideas, Ideas are ideas, identify a solution you kind of already knew, identifying who you are, ideological thinking, if everyone went around pricing, if they tell the truth, if we play tricks with the truth, ignorance, ignorance is the enemy, ignoring the larger responsibility, illogical decision making, imagination, impact of recession, impacts people, imperfection implies opinion, implementation, implementing change, impressive list of the young coaches, improving yourself by learning, in chaos we found safety, In theory everybody buys the best and cheapest, inability to manage expectations, inaction, incapable of doing internally, incentives, increasing purchasing power, increasingly popular words, individuals, inefficient processes, influenced to do something they don’t really desire doing, influencers are still influencers, Influencing, influencing purchases, informing a decision, inserting myself into tangled moments, inside an enterprise are only costs, insights, insights are about truth, insights don't exploit, intel, intellect, intentionally hypnotic in its effect, intentions, interesting characteristic to assess, intrusive and annoying, investing energy when appropriate, is anything back or white anymore, is marketing evil, isn’t a whole shitload of advice, isn’t a whole shitload of advice on what to not let go of, isolating variables using statistics, issues around the world, it conditions them not to think for themselves, it has become uncool to do simple things in business, it is easy to be a lazy thinker today, it is kind of silly to have one process, it is okay to fail, it is tough but how tough, it isn't process it is the work, jack shit on the topic, jim amos, journey of thought, journey to truth, judgement, judging failure needs context, judgment is not easy, juggle what they have and don’t have, juggling versus balancing, just this once, keenly aware of america's flaws, key to loving college basketball, kids just manned up better, kindness in words creates confidence, kite flying, kites, know the extent of one’s ignorance, know when not to let go, knowing what is right, knowing what is right is not enough, knowledge, lack of corporate direction, lack of responsibility, lack of self confidence, lacking hope, laws rules and ethics, laws rules and ethics in business, lazy decision making, lazy way to outline expectations, leaders and character, leadership, learn and listen, learning, learning begets more enlightened ignorance, learning more about having a soul in business, least competent are usually prone to overestimating their talents, leave behind the big guys trying to rely solely on operations, leave behind the guys who rely solely on operations, Less talented teams overachieve in big games, lessons, let the frickin’ program unfold, letting go, Letting go and holding on, letting go is difficult, letting go is not simple, lies, lies will win, life, life formulas, life gives you a bazillion second chances, life is a string of minutes, life is a struggle, life is a winding road, life is about making choices, life is complex, life is not a mission, life is not a straight line, life is not as simple as it seems, life is often not lived best gently, life is tough, life lessons, life not defined by meeting objectives, life thoughts, Life truths, life's untruths, life's white lies, lift it onto a higher level, light in the darkness of ignorance, Like all the top teams, Like all the top teams this year, liked the way he coached, listen for the whispers of truth & knowledge, listening, listening and learning, listening and responding, listening to friends, little failures versus big failures, live life to the fullest, living life backwards but still question, logical decision making, logical versus illogical, look up and see the balloons they carry with them, looking beyond material rewards, lose an opportunity to help lift society to a higher level, losing sight of effect management can have, losing your soul, loving college basketball, Lunch bucket intellectual, lying to your friends, lying to yourself, made Life a little better, made them polarizing, make the hard decisions, make their truth exciting and new, make weaknesses irrelevant, makes people suggestible and docile, making changes personally, making choices, making decisions, making shit is good, making the hard choice, making the simple complicated, making unimportant important, management, management be accountable, management is about human beings, managers, managing an organization, managing people, managing people to be successful in life and business, managing perceptions, mankind progresses through thought, March Madness will prove, marines, marketing, marketing has an image issue, marketing people are responsible, marketing's ethical compass, Marx and capitalism, marx and engel and founding fathers, Maslow, maslow and decisions, maslow and marketing, maslow needs, mass mingling impact on Global Generation, matters is the shaping of attitudes, maybe business isn't all about ‘high living, maybe it is better to admit we failed at something, maybe life is not that complicated, maybe the balloon metaphor is bad, meaningful contributions to the world, measurement of failure, measuring generational attitudes, measuring generational behavior, measuring global education, measuring life, mediocre ethical behavior, meeting the challenges of concentration, men’s college basketball, messages must be the truth, messages we put on those pages, messaging, michelanglo, middle east, middle east is complex, mind that matters is better in you, mobile technology impacting education, moments are like a balance sheet, moments of passion, money does not have a soul, moral compass, moral depravity, moral fiber, moral or immoral, moral people will slide down the slippery slope of mediocre ethical behavior, morality of marketing & advertising, more honest and truthful than anyone, more honest online, most honest and truthful of men, most important factor in affecting our lives is our thoughts, most people cannot recognize simple solutions, most things in life are not black or white, motivated by a desire to achieve, motivation, murphy and finagle, murphy's law, must be accountable, my ethical barometer, my father, my responsibility to give voice to the fears, name in the advertising business, name with respect, ncaa, need to fire this kid's ass because, new knowledge, new thinking, no easy steps in middle east, no lazy thinking, no one believes in simplicity anymore, no one says you failed any more, no one wants to trust chaos, no substitute for judgment, not a quantity of words person, not always right, not knowledgeable enough to do anything better, not meeting an objective is not failure, Not the power to brainwash overnight, not within the law, nothing is original, Nothing is permanent, nothing lasts forever, now is the time to listen, now it becomes clearer & actionable, numbers are facts, numbers are facts nonsense, numbers show possibilities, numbers will confess anything, obligation to do, obligation to do the right thing, oddest discussions I have ever experienced, offered him on the market, offering solutions, once doubt enters it takes on huge proportions, one foot in history one foot in future, one person can save an entire organization from a terrible fate, ones he made into men, ongoing search for the right words, online friends, only few find the way, Only people are moral or immoral, open our minds, opinion editorial thoughts shared, optomism versus pessimism, optomistically cynical, orange revolution, ordinary life with extraordinary responsibilities, ordinary people don't think they are remarkable, organizational, organizations, organizations are living orgamisms, organizations hate change, organizing chaos, original ideas, original ideas are typically nuances of existing, other important shit to do, overall ability to captivate, overall ability to captivate the general public's attention, owning a contradiction, oxymoron, paradox, Paris 1919, patient quickness, pay attention to your moral compass, paying attention to college basketball, people are moral or immoral, people confuse process and disciplined thinking, people need help, people need some ideology, people need to take a view to face all problems, people to hold two opposing concepts concurrently, perfection is crap, perfection is the thief, performance, persepctive on economy, personal business ethics, personal creative destruction, personal thoughts, perspective, perspective can help with the complex, Pew Research, pictures help convey the meaning faster, plain packaging for everyone, Plain packets for everything, play this trick, pluralism, positioning, positively affecting society, potentially good business consultant, poverty, power of people, power of words, predictions, prioritizing actions, process is a means to an end, productive countries, productivity, Professional communicators also make choices, profit emphasis, project global generation, proud patriots, provide a huge value to businesses, providing perspective, public scrutiny, purposeful not let go is a different difficulty for us, pursue or find our destination, pursuing the way, put failing in perpsective, put the restrictions on how a government job, quality versus quantity online, quest for purpose, questioning the unquestionable, quick nod to men’s college basketball, quotations, quotes, random college basketball thoughts, randomness of life, Rants and Observations a business consultant, Rants and Observations a generation of concerned citizens, Rants and Observations acquired intuition, rare to make complicated simple, rarely non-debatable absolutes, reach for the stars, real action steps, real contradiction that intrigued me, reality shows us that it is an uneasy relationship, really didn’t have marketing strategy, reason for being, recession, recession affecting shopping behavior, recruited players other coaches often wouldn't touch, redistribution of power, redrawing boundaries, regulating affairs of mankind, relationships, research, resiliency, resiliency and character, respect, respect for individual choice, respect the burden of leadership, respect to business management, responsibility, Responsibility assumes you are neither impotent nor harmless, responsibility if you are in business, responsibility in business, responsibility in HOW you do what you do, responsibility is a burden, Responsibility is responsibility, responsible for an entire business, results, results achieved, results is management criteria, revolution of thinking, right is right, right words, RIP Tark, ROI versus imagination, Rules cannot cover every situation, Russia, russia and ukraine, safe, salvtion by society, saving versus buying, say it is happening when it isn't, say that something is happening when it is, saying it is fine when it is not, scared, schedule those awesome interconference games, see your own reality, seek out events without fear, seek truth, seeking new experiences, seeking the way of truth, seeking truth, seeking truth tellers, self actualization, self determination, self doubt, self esteem through problem solving, self stuff, self truth, self worth, Selling stuff doesn’t matter, selling truth, selling your soul, Selling Your Soul event in NYC, sense of self, serious life decluttering, several groupings of consultants, shades of gray, shapers of society, shapes society, shaping the current world of college basketball, share those thoughts, share your opinion, shopping around, shopping behavior, shortcomings leading to consequences, significant amount of pressure on business ethics, simplicity has gone the way of the dodo, simplicity in life, simplicity seems too chaotic, simplicity takes remarkable effort, simplifying to make choices easier, simplistically pigeonhole the discussion, simply do your bes, simply do your best, sincere people must understand, Sincerity, sinclair lewis, six impossible things before breakfast, slippery slope, slippery slope of despair, slippery slope of I am not fine, slippery surface of irrelevant brilliance, small gestures in trivial looking moments, smallest actions contribute, smelled of simply trying to impress others, so busy measuring public opinion, social imbalance, social marketing, social media, social perfection, social priorities to economic priorities, social revolutions, social unrest, social upheavals, socialism, society consents, society consents to have its choice narrowed, society will lose, soft choices, some dark & forbidding, Some of the choices you make, Some things are obvious, something more important than fear, sometimes stop us choosing wisely, sometimes systems work that should not work, sooner or later some decent soul gets screwed, sorting out the truth, soul in business, soul is defined by a combination of fame & fortune, soul of another is a dark forest, soyoufailed.com, spans capitalism, speaking, speaking truth, specialist, spending money as soon as we have it, springwise, stand for something within yourself, standing on the uncertainty pedestal, standing up every time we fall down, statistics cannot make the decision for you, statistics getting in the way of a good decision, statistics of death, stimulus reponse, stop and think, story of two americas, straight lines, straight lines are rare in life, strategy, strength against adversity, strength of character, strength of character to make change, strings get all tangled up, strip away the undoable and identify the doable, struggle between energy and indolence, struggle between vitality and decay, struggling with Iran, Stuff I Like, stumble upon doing it right, stunning grace in the face of overwhelming life, subconscious influences behavior, substance versus style, succeeds in influencing people’s minds, success of ROI, swallowing nonsense, symbolic dynamics, symptom of a larger problem, syria chemicals, systems remain stagnant, take revenge on doubters, talking, talking about business ethics in the abstract, tangled ball of string, tangled up people, Tarkanian possessed a gift, Tarkanian was a character, teaching kids globally, teams have worked out all the kinks, teens, telling the truth, telling the truth in marketing is hard, telling the truth is not impossible, test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability, that i will be tomorrow, the absence of truth, the answers are within you, the best interest of the people, the character stuff, the competitive edge to being mindful, the constitution, the core of your business character, the decline of europe, the discussion is a solution, the economist, the economist e-communication and society, the essence of capitalism is capitalizing, the greatest man I have ever known, the grocery shopper, the have nots, the haves, the holy grail value proposition sweet spot, the law says is right or legal, the market performs better than companies, the moral depravity of capitalism, the morally corrupt, the morally corrupt advertising, the most powerful weapon in life is not a mission, the myth of original, the myth of the proprietary process, the new realities, the responsibility in marketing, the story of a fragmented america, the subconscious, the truth may piss you off, the uncomfortable fact, the word failure is tough love, their eyes bulging, their knees shaking, there are a lot of insights, there are college basketball games happening everywhere, There are times in life when people, There are times in life when people must know when not to let go, there is no formula for good choices, there's competitiveness, There's diversity, there's passion, there's passion and there's sloppiness, there's uncertainty, They are good balloons, They are talented teams, think you can fix anything, thinking, thinking harder, thinking impossible things, thinking is good, thinking is messy, Thinking is thinking, This conference is a beast, This game has it all, this i am today, this is murky territory, this much scrutiny on a major project, thomas jefferson, Those random little guys you gotta love, thought about responsibility in business, thoughts, thoughts initiate action, thoughts initiate action and progress, thrive on dreams and possibilities, Tigger, time for random college basketball thoughts, To avoid such confusion, to be sure of you, to make haste slowly, to slay a dragon you need to believe in dragons, today's economy, torturing numbers, training is woefully lacking, training means results, transformational people, trivial moments, trivial moments in bigger life, true, trust, truth, truth & knowledge, truth and expectations, truth goggles, truth has never been more difficult to discern, truth in marketing, truth in numbers, truth is rarely simple, Truth is truth, truth is what really happened, truth or lies, truth or nothing, truth should be simple, truth teller, Truth that while there are moral and immoral people in the world, truth to oneself, trying to preserve will lead to stagnation, turmoil in ukraine, tween strength, twitter triumph of humanity, two sorts of mind, ukraine, Ukraine and foreign policy, ukraine democracy, ukraine elections, ukraine is as big as france, unable to judge our ignorance, uncertainty is a bitch, uncertainty of nations, uncertainty takes on geometric proportions, understanding and empathizing, understanding and empathizing with the young African-American, understanding the middle east, understanding what the consumer wants, unequivocal college sports guy, unethical advertising, unimportant truths, unintended results, unquestionable, unreasonable solutions, untainted by personal wealth objectives, untangling people, Until you live it you may not understand, upside in being successful in making a man of some boy, urging amateur athletes to overachieve, use your imagination, used for evil purpose, using truth to deceive, viewed a rebel by some, vision, visionary orientation, vivid memory as a young sports fan, voodoo process, want to track this concept, warning, we all fail, we also die, welcomed into the Running Rebel family, well coached and talented, what are we going to do with the times in which we live, what consultants are afraid to tell you, what do you do when you get what you want, what I know opinions, what is management, what is management drucker, what is the alternative, what is the place of words, what looks like chaos, what problem needs to be solved, what to not let go of, what we have is not what we need, what we need is impossible to get, what we need to get us through, what we want is not what we need, whatever it takes, whatever it takes to cross that dark bridge, when not to let go, when not to let go and balloons, when you let go of something good it floats away, which are for sale, WHICH end justifies the means, who you are as a person, wide range of attitudes and beliefs, Winning is more complicated at this level, with the commitment letter, Women’s college basketball has their, words, words of truth, words that become deeds, Words to think about, words worse than nothing unless they do something, work is often up to people, work nevertheless, worry about implementing a great idea versus protecting it, write opinion papers 0 2014/01/19 Published No title No description No keywords Select good consultant bad consultant everywhere a consultant good consultant bad consultant everywhere a consultant Bru, yhprum's law, you are not a failure because you fail, you cannot dwell on every moment that slipped by 0 2010/01/29 Published No title No description No keywords Select when not to let go (and balloons) when not to let go (and balloons) - Draft Bruce Fav, you cannot dwell on every moment that slipped by 0 2013/07/31 Published No title No description No keywords Select leading change (why most transformation fails) leading change (why most transformatio, you get nothing 0 2015/03/28 Last Modified No title No description No keywords Select golden age of coaches and an unsinkable shark golden age of coaches and an unsinkable shark Bruce Personal & N, young coaches 0 2015/02/12 Published No title No description No keywords Select healthcare.gov and project management healthcare.gov and project management Bruce Business Thoughts
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