spinning out of nothingness scattering stars
“We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.”
When I started on this piece I wasn’t sure if it was about self, life, dreams or maybe even starting a business. Then I realized, in some weird way, it was kind of about all. How? Think “connection.” Or maybe connecting with something in a multi-dimensional way <emotionally, physically, experientially> which not only grounds us to us <our self>, but has a commonality to ground us to other “us’es” as well as to, well, everything <hopes, dreams, aspirations>. To me this has two aspects: stars & nothingness.
I like the thought that maybe each of us is really a star <shining brightly for something good or hopeful within ourselves as well as possibly for someone else>.
I like the thought we spin out of nothingness as people, as careers, as thinkers and as doers, scattering to find our place in the expansiveness ahead.
I like the thought that maybe, because we really are stars, we seek them to find whatever secrets they could share about us.
I like the thought that stars can be seen by anyone, anywhere if you only look up on occasion.
I like the thought that stars connect people and thoughts and dreams and wishes and … well … anything hopeful.
I like the thought that while stars are about space they are actually more about managing space by circumventing distance to activate that which can exist between stars and people.
I like the thought that stars actually embrace the strongest business building concept thru actively engaging people in a physical way … an emotional way … and an experiential way. Stars engage us, connect with us, in a way that businesses and brands should attempt to emulate any authentic way they can <because I am not sure I can find any one person who dislikes stars>.
Whether we truly are stars spinning out nothingness or stars simply represent our sense of ‘nothingness-to-what-could be’ mindset, it is pretty amazing to think that anything spinning out of nothingness can inevitably create one of the greatest connections a person can ever have. Stars represent life moments stitching together all that we are and all that we want to be to form thoughts & attitudes which fuel behavior.
Stars are part of everyday lives and occupy critical space in a person’s grander Life story. They never dictate behavior, but instead inspire behavior. They do so by nudging us toward both emotional and transactional personal investments into ourselves inevitably shaping life patterns, creating behavior, and ultimately encouraging us to make personal identity statements about who we are.
Stars are the beginning, middle and end of Life. They represent life and how we live it.
They are the small cornerstones to our Life stories. Somehow they transcend the transactions we make with ourselves by resonating with something inside as well as outside the moment of ‘transaction’ with the star. And maybe most importantly? This multi-dimensional transaction we make with a star perpetuates a bond which unites, influences, inspires and scatters us out of nothingness toward, well, somethingness.
I imagine that means stars ultimately represent a connection with ‘what could, or can, be.” Stars help us answer the ultimate life question: “how do people fulfill their potential and figure out who they are and what they’re capable of?” They seem to give people a nice simple focus point which doesn’t sit there and lecture or even offer any advice, simply a feeling of possibilities.
Shit. Maybe that is all ‘Bruce-babble.’ Maybe I am giving stars too much power and too much definition.
Here is what I know for sure. We should all look at stars every once in a while:
Some of us may find hope.
Some of us may find clarity.
Some of us may find ourselves shrinking before the immensity of Life.
Some of us may see possibilities.
And some of us may find that they take the moment and make a Life transaction.
But all of us WILL find something. If we look up at all that nothingness, we will see something. Ponder.
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