limited amount of fucks to give
Everyone was born with a limited amount of fucks to give.
During your teenage years you give a ton and slowly give less and less from there.
just shower thoughts
When I saw this quote had to sit back and think.
Because I could read it two ways.
As you get older you just get worn down and just stop giving a fuck about a lot of things.
As you get older you learn that not everything deserves ‘giving a fuck’ and you give less, but, you should give more of a fuck when you do.
I pondered this a little.
And then I got curious and found that if you type “give a fuck” in google search you will get about 4,610,000 results (0.38 seconds), but … here is the interesting thing … you get page after page on ‘philosophy <or ‘the art’> of not giving a fuck.’
Basically the internet is strewn with articles and advice on how to not give a fuck. How crazy is that? It is almost like the google world is attempting to offer some extraordinary justification for being indifferent, to actually practice being indifferent, which, in my mind, is maybe a different slant on how to be a complete moron.
I mean, c’mon, if we really only have a limited amount of fucks to give, well, wouldn’t you expect some really good advice on how to prioritize and parse them out? I say that because it seems like we could all use some good advice with regard to knowing when to give a fuck and when not to give a fuck.
I will say one thing about giving a fuck. Caring about shit is the essence of Life.
Ok. Maybe two things.
Caring and actively engaging in shit is the essence of Life <I actually called it RSVP and Life once>.
But. The moment you become indifferent, the moment you just don’t give a fuck, well, there is no Life. There is no heartbeat. Life is dead.
I am certainly not going to suggest you care about everything. I will not because I agree that we do not have an unlimited amount of fucks to give. But it just doesn’t make sense to not care.
Now. Life does a fairly good job of suggesting not giving a fuck is a much easier way of living Life.
Life is full of a lot of shit we don’t understand.
Life is full of a lot of things that just do not seem to make sense.
Life is full of a lot of things that just doesn’t seem logical.
Life is full of a lot of things that seem different than what you want or think about.
Life is full of a lot of questions and a lot fewer answers than we want.
Life is full of a lot of answers that don’t really solve anything.
Life is full of a lot of things that make you scratch your head and say “I never understood why.”
All of those things seem like “slow” as in “a lot of shit that will slow me down from getting to where I want to go and getting what I want to get.”
I imagine after reading that list and my last sentence many people may think “then why give a fuck.”
Well. Because none of those things make Life any ‘less’ or any less meaningful. They just make it a little less certain. They just make things a little more risky. They just make it all a little less straightforward.
In fact I could suggest that almost all Life throws at you could fall into the “WTF category”. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give a fuck.
Anyway. I agree with the opening quote. I don’t believe we have an unlimited amount of fucks to give. That doesn’t mean we only have one or two just that they are not unlimited.
But that doesn’t mean you should embrace the thought “well, I have no more fucks to give … so … I just don’t give a fuck about anything anymore.” Nor should it mean you should start seeking opportunities to not give a fuck under the belief it will help you get what you want and where you want to be faster.
Look. Here is what I know about giving a fuck.
If you give enough of a fuck about your life, and trust it to give a fuck about you on occasion, well, a fuck of a lot of good things can happen if you just fucking go out and work hard. Ponder.
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